Home > Domestic Violence Resources and Awareness

Domestic Violence Awareness

Miami-Dade County offers free holistic and coordinated services through multiple violence prevention and intervention services programs, which are geared toward increasing the safety of victims and reducing the potential for further violence.

Getting Help

Hands holding a purple ribbon

Assistance for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and human trafficking.

Violence Prevention and Intervention
Woman looking sad in front of a solid blue background

Learn about special victim rights and services available to through the criminal justice system.

Police Special Victims Bureau
Miami-Dade County Courthouse

Read about the 11th Circuit Court of Florida's Domestic Violence Division services.

Court Services

Special Victims Bureau

The Miami-Dade Police Department's Special Victims Bureau is committed to assisting victims of sexual and domestic crimes by facilitating services and serving as a liaison to community agencies and the criminal justice system.

The bureau investigates allegations of sexual and domestic crimes 24 hours a day, seven days a week, while also offering assistance and guidance to victims.

Phone Numbers


Florida Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Hotline

Miami-Dade County Coordinated Victims Assistance Center

Rape Hotline

Miami-Dade Advocates for Victims Hotline

Report an incident by email

Miami-Dade Police Department's Special Victims Bureau investigates allegations of sexual and domestic crimes while also offering assistance and guidance to victims.

Your tips and other information will remain strictly confidential.

Report on Miami-Dade County Programs

A 2018 report reviewed Miami-Dade County's domestic violence programs.