The Miami-Dade County Domestic Violence Oversight Board (DVOB) was created in 1994 to serve in advisory and oversight capacity to the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) with respect to issues affecting or relating to domestic violence. Specifically, the DVOB was created to serve in accordance with State law, to develop and submit to the BCC a comprehensive plan for use of the portion of the Local Option Food and Beverage (F&B) Sales Tax proceeds dedicated to the provision of domestic violence centers and their operations, as prescribed in Chapter 2, Article LXVI of the Code of Miami-Dade County (the “Plan”). As part of this Plan, the DVOB is further charged with pursuing maximization of available federal and state matching funds and generally monitoring and evaluating the provision of services to domestic violence victims.
The DVOB is also charged with ensuring that a coordinated and responsive continuum of services is available and accessible for victims of domestic violence and their children in Miami-Dade County. The DVOB is committed to protection, advocacy and support of domestic violence victims through collaborations with all entities and systems who assist in moving victims toward safe and productive lives.