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My Brother's Keeper

Miami-Dade County's My Brother's Keeper (MBK) effort identified three concerns that were repeatedly raised and elevated to the level of overarching principles. Whether directly aligned to all milestones or just some, these three principles will guide the actions that will be taken for Miami-Dade County's transformation under MBK:
  1. Parent engagement from cradle to career
  2. Positive youth engagement to ensure youth involvement
  3. Justice reform expansion
The My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge is a national initiative to expand opportunities for boys and young men of color from cradle to career. The challenge includes developing strategies to close educational and opportunity gaps so that all students graduate from high school and then attend either college or vocational school, so they are ready for careers.


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Getting a Healthy Start and Entering School Ready to Learn.

Milestone 1
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Reading at Grade Level by Third Grade

Milestone 2
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Graduating from High School Ready for College and Career

Milestone 3
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Completing Postsecondary Education or Training

Milestone 4
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Successfully Entering the Workforce

Milestone 5
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Keeping Kids on Track and Giving Them Second Chances

Milestone 6

Community Involvement

The City of Miami joined Miami-Dade County in the MBK challenge and will introduce or expand existing efforts to better serve the needs of our youth in the community.

The project's mission is to intervene in the lives of at-risk boys, in order to provide them with alternatives that will lead them away from a life of crime and violence.

Now is the time to get involved and change the life of a young person who needs your support -- it's easy to search for mentoring opportunities in your community!

About the Initiative

In September 2014, President Barack Obama issued a challenge to cities, towns, counties and tribal nations across the country to become My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Communities. The President’s call to action charges participating entities to identify specific disparities facing boys and young men of color, and to enact policies, develop programs and expand partnerships that offset those challenges.

Building on its long history of creative initiatives developed to decrease the challenges faced by its vulnerable communities, Miami-Dade County proudly accepted President Obama’s call to action. Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez and the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners declared Miami-Dade’s My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge Day on Feb. 19, 2016.