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County wins Global BRM Community Excellence Award

Miami-Dade County Information Technology Assistant Director Mariaelena Salazar has been honored with the 2024 Global Business Relationship Management (BRM) Community Excellence Executive Award for her exceptional leadership and support within the organization. This award highlights the achievements of industry professionals who are strong advocates for the BRM discipline, championing the role of BRMs both within their organization and the larger community. It recognizes individuals for their leadership, stewardship and involvement while sparking creativity and innovation. Salazar’s efforts have advanced BRM capabilities and fostered collaboration across the County, improving service to residents, visitors and businesses. This prestigious, globally recognized award highlights her commitment to driving innovation and teamwork.
“I am honored to receive the 2024 Global BRM Community Excellence Executive Award. This recognition reflects the incredible teamwork and collaboration within Miami-Dade County. I’m grateful for the opportunity to champion the BRM discipline and help drive innovation that benefits our community. This award inspires me to continue fostering strong relationships and advancing our shared mission to serve our County," said Mariaelena Salazar.
Over the last 12 years, the BRM Team has helped County departments streamline business processes, drive value and deliver innovative solutions that transform the government experience. Since its inception, the program has received national recognition from the Center for Digital Government, Public Technology Institute and the National Association of Counties.
“Our BRM program has been instrumental in driving growth and efficiency within the County’s business operations. We are incredibly proud of Mariaelena Salazar for receiving the 2024 Global BRM Community Excellence Executive Award. Her leadership and dedication to advancing the BRM discipline have strengthened our organization's ability to collaborate and innovate. Mariaelena’s achievement is a testament to the power of teamwork and the value of fostering strong relationships across the County,” added ITD Director and Chief Information Officer Margaret Brisbane.
The BRM Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping businesses develop their BRM capabilities to drive strategic growth, enhance cross-functional collaboration, and foster a culture of creativity, innovation and shared ownership across the enterprise. Each year, the BRM community celebrates individuals and organizations whose achievements align with the global BRM philosophy and strategy through the prestigious Global Excellence Awards, the highest honor within the worldwide BRM community.
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