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Citizens Advisory Committee Operational Guidelines

The overall objectives of police-community relations are to identify, evaluate, and respond to the needs of both the community and the Miami-Dade Sheriff's Office (MDSO), in order to establish and maintain effective avenues of communication and a positive relationship with the citizens of Miami-Dade County. Citizen participation and interaction with the police are fundamental to achieving law enforcement.

The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) established in each of the Miami-Dade Sheriff's Office District Stations will serve in an advisory capacity to the Director and District Commanders regarding issues relevant to police-community relations.


  • Foster a greater understanding between the personnel of the Miami-Dade Sheriff's Office and the community it serves.
  • Meet on a regularly scheduled basis with the District Commander or when meetings are deemed necessary either by the District Commander or the Committee Chairperson.
  • Provide the District Commander with timely feedback regarding community concerns. In accomplishing this task, the CAC should invite participation from local business, civic, youth, and homeowner groups.
  • Assist the District Commander identifying those community problems that require some type of immediate government intervention. This intervention may involve a federal, state, or county agency, other than MDSO.
  • Inform and educate citizens regarding the role of police in the community, crime trends, as well as Department resources, initiatives, and accomplishments.

CAC members will make every effort to resolve community concerns at the District level. Concerns that remain unresolved will be brought to the attention of the next higher Department command authority. The Director will be the final authority in resolving CAC issues.