Water and Sewer Construction Contracts
Licensed and eligible businesses can bid on County water and sewer construction contracts in pump stations, water and sewer treatment plants, and pipeline work.
Call the Construction Contracts Section or mail a request to add your company to the department mailing list and receive advertisements for upcoming contracts.
In addition, advertisements are published as Miami-Dade County legal advertisements and the Miami Daily Business Review, and the following businesses receive courtesy copies of available contracts:
- Dodge Reports
- Tampa Builders
- Miami Builders Exchange
- Construction Bulletin
- Construction Market Data
- Allied Minority Contractors Association
- Suncoast Minority Business Center
- Contractors Resource Center
Online Options
Phone Number(s)
Construction Contracts Section
Call Before You Dig
Email / Mail
Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department
Attention: Isaac Smith
3071 SW 38th Ave., Room 136
Miami FL 33146

Water and Sewer
Amanda Kinnick, Interim DirectorWater and Sewer Douglas Office
3071 SW 38th Ave,
Miami, FL 33146
305-665-7477 | [email protected]