Bill Bird Marina Transient Fees
Bill Bird Marina
These transient fees do not include tax.
Wet slip daily transient
Per foot, per day up to 49 feet: $2.12
Per foot, per day 50 feet and above: $2.22
Wet slip monthly transient
Per foot, per month up to 49 feet : $38.48
Per foot, per month 50 feet and above: $40.23
Dry storage daily transient
Dry storage monthly transient
Mooring daily transient
Mooring monthly transient
For more information call 305-947-3525.
Black Point Marina Transient Fees
Black Point Park and Marina
These transient fees do not include tax.
Wet slip daily transient
Per foot, per day up to 49 feet: $1.67
Per foot, per day 50 feet and above: $1.75
Wet slip monthly transient
Per foot, per month up to 49 feet: $16.62
Per foot, per month 50 feet and above: $27.32
Dry storage daily transient
Dry storage monthly transient
Mooring daily transient
Mooring monthly transient
For more information call 305-258-4092.
Crandon Marina Transient Fees
Crandon Marina
Transient fees do not include tax.
Crandon Marina monthly transient fees
Wet slips per foot, per month up to 49 feet: $26.14
Wet slips per foot, per month 50 feet and above: $27.32
Dry storage per foot, per month, up to 30 feet: $258.75
Mooring space per foot, per month: $19.97
Crandon Marina daily transient fees
Wet slips per foot per day up to 49 feet: $2.33
Wet slips per foot, per month 50 feet and above: $2.44
Dry storage per day, up to 30 feet: $27.83
Annual fees do not include tax
Crandon Marina annual fees are not shown:
Wet slips per foot, per month up to 49 feet: $18.77
Wet slips per foot, per month 50 feet and above: $19.62
Dry storage per foot, per month, up to 30 feet: $199.65
Mooring space per foot, per month: $232.93
Commercial charter boat per month, up to 50 feet: $695.75
Boat Ramp Launching Fees:
Monday through Thursday: $15.00 per day
Friday through Sunday and Holidays: $19.00 per day
Boat Ramp Annual Pass: $220.00 per year
Kayaks/Paddleboards launching fee: $7.00 per day
Senior Citizen Annual Decal: $121
For more information, call 305-361-1281
Position of the Marina
Latitude: 25° 43’ 27’’ N
Longitude: 80° 9' 20'' W.
Herbert Hoover Marina Transient Fees
Herbert Hoover Marina
These transient fees do not include tax.
Wet slip daily transient
Per foot, per day up to 49 feet: $1.67
Per foot, per day 50 feet and above: $1.75
Wet slip monthly transient
Per foot, per month up to 49 feet: $26.14
Per foot, per month 50 feet and above : $27.32
Dry storage daily transient
Dry storage monthly transient
Mooring daily transient
Mooring monthly transient
For more information call 305-230-3033.
Matheson Hammock Marina Transient Fees
Matheson Marina
These transient fees do not include tax.
Wet slip daily transient
Per foot, per day up to 49 feet: $1.67
Per foot, per day 50 feet and above: $1.75
Wet slip monthly transient
Per foot, per month up to 49 feet: $26.14
Per foot, per month 50 feet and above : $27.32
Dry storage daily transient
Dry storage monthly transient
Mooring daily transient
Mooring monthly transient
For more information call 305-665-5475.
Pelican Harbor Marina Transient Fees
Pelican Harbor Marina
These transient fees do not include tax.
Wet slip daily transient
Per foot, per day up to 49 feet: $1.67
Per foot, per day 50 feet and above: $1.75
Wet slip monthly transient
Per foot, per month up to 49 feet: $26.14
Per foot, per month 50 feet and above : $27.32
Dry storage daily transient
Dry storage monthly transient
Mooring monthly transient
Per foot, per month: $19.97
For more information call 305-754-9330.