In our continued efforts to deliver "excellence", we operate the Landscape Agency of the Miami-Dade County Park, Recreation and Open Spaces Department. The Agency has been providing services to Miami-Dade County Departments since 1980 and has a long history of serving the County family. The types of services the agency provides can greatly reduce potential hurricane damage costs.
The Sports Turf Management and Landscape Division provides safe, playable, aesthetic pleasing fields, and sustainable landscaping services throughout 47 parks consisting of 267 acres and 143 athletic fields. In addition to serving Miami-Dade Parks, the Division provides landscaping services to Multipurpose Special Assessment District, and services to various County departments.
With over 25 years of experience, the Landscape Agency has FNGLA Certified staff and Certified Pest Control Applicators ready to assist with the following services:
Right-of-Way Aesthetic & Assets Management Division (R.A.A.M.) To provide the residents and visitors of Miami Dade County with a safe and aesthetically pleasing experience driven by our focus on environmental conservation and sustainability through landscape beautification and maintenance practices within our parks, right-of-ways, transit properties, County owned lots and open spaces with the efficient and effective use of in-house staff and contractual services.
Landscape Maintenance and Tree Services
Parks: Provides routine landscape maintenance to 215 community and neighborhood parks countywide
Roadway (Medians): Provides routine landscape maintenance to 395 total median and traffic circle sites (approximately 265 miles) countywide
Roadside: Provides routine landscape maintenance to 1,126 total roadside sites (approximately 278 acres) countywide
Transit: Provides routine landscape maintenance to 20 miles of Metrorail Stations and section line, 20.5 miles of Busway, 18 Metromover Stations and 22 facilities
ISD Lots: Provides routine landscape maintenance to 201 lots owned by the Internal Services Department
Lot Clearing: Provides lot remediation services to privately owned lots
Right-of-Way and Parks Safety Tree Trimming/Removal / Mow Trim: Services include safety vertical clearance tree trimming of 16 feet over roadways and 10 feet over pedestrian walkways throughout County maintained Parks and Right-of-Ways for the removal of visual obstructions and hazardous tree conditions. This also includes the removal of any visual obstructions over traffic signals and signs. Additionally, services are also provided for hazardous tree removals for trees deemed effectively destroyed, as well as mow trim operation for encroachment areas and stump removals
Right-of-Way Tree Health: Services include the fertilization and supplemental watering of trees on our County’s Street Tree Inventory, throughout our County’s right-of-ways
County Wide Tree Planting: Services include site assessments and surveys throughout the County in order to discover new and/or replacement planting opportunities to be able to increase the street tree canopy coverage
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