Purchase of Development Rights for Farmlands

Miami-Dade County's agricultural lands are a unique and economically important resource. The Purchase of Development Rights Program, created in 2007, allows voter-approved General Obligation Bond funds to be used to purchase and preserve agricultural land.

This voluntary program serves as one mechanism for farmland preservation by providing Miami-Dade County with the ability to purchase residential development rights from willing property owners, ensuring that the related properties remain undeveloped and available for agricultural uses.

The land must be:

  • Currently farmed
  • Located outside the Urban Development Boundary
  • Have available density and be designated agriculture or open land

Properties will be evaluated based on the viability of the land for agricultural purposes, property size, soil type, historical agricultural use, proximity to urban development, protected lands and other agricultural properties, and financial considerations.

To participate, complete the pre-application information sheet, fax it or mail it to the Agricultural Manager’s office.

Approval by the Board of County Commissioners is required prior to the purchase of any conservation easement. A conservation easement donation is considered a charitable donation and may provide a federal income tax deduction.

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