Contact Solid Waste Management
- Phone: Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed Sundays and holidays: 311 or 305-468-5900
- Email: [email protected]
- 2525 NW 62nd Street, 5th Floor
Miami, Florida 33147- Reception Desk: 305-514-6666
- Missed garbage or recycling pickup; solid waste account update; garbage or recycling service issues; schedule bulky waste pickup; bulky trash pick-up complaint; repair or replace waste or recycling cart; report abandoned shopping cart; illegal dumping complaint; request a mosquito inspection.
- Phone: 311 or 305-468-5900
- Email: [email protected]
- Online: Miami-Dade 311 Home
- MDC Solid Waste App: Android; iPhone
- Miami-Dade County Department of Solid Waste Management
Trash and Recycling Center Locations
Open daily from 7 a.m. to 5:30 pm- Chapman Field Trash and Recycling Center
13600 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables, FL. 33158 - Eureka Drive Trash and Recycling Center
9401 SW 184th St, Palmetto Bay, FL. 33157 - Golden Glades Trash and Recycling Center
140 NW 160th Street, Miami, FL. 33169 - Moody Drive Trash and Recycling Center
12970 SW 268th St, Homestead, FL. 33032 - North Dade Trash and Recycling Center
21500 NW 47 Avenue, Miami, FL. 33055 - Norwood Trash and Recycling Center
19901 NW 7th Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL. 33169 - Palm Springs North Trash and Recycling Center
7870 NW 178th St, Hialeah, FL. 33015 - Richmond Heights Trash and Recycling Center
14050 Boggs Drive, Miami, FL. 33176 - Snapper Creek Trash and Recycling Center
2200 SW 117 Avenue, Miami, FL. 33165 - South Miami Heights Trash and Recycling Center
20800 SW 117 Court, Miami, FL. 33177 - Sunset Kendall Trash and Recycling Center
8000 SW 107th Ave, Miami, FL. 33173 - West Little River Trash and Recycling Center
1830 NW 79th Street, Miami, FL. 33147 - West Perrine Trash and Recycling Center
16651 SW 107th Ave, Miami, FL. 33157
- Chapman Field Trash and Recycling Center
- Open an account: 305-594-1630
- Change name on account: 305-594-1630
- Accounts Payable (for vendors only): 305-514-6652
- Accounts Receivable: 305-514-6737
- Disposal Billing: 305-514-6743
- Landscaper permitting: 305-594-1630
- Scalehouse: 305-514-6737
- DSWM Liens and Judgments: 305-514-6757
- DSWM Code Enforcement: 305-514-6700
Aneisha Daniel, PhD., Director
Office: 305-514-6623
Cell: 305-333-1002
Email: [email protected]Shirley Sims, Ed.D., DSWM Chief of Staff
Office: 305-514-6038
Cell: 786-893-6702
Email: [email protected]Achaya Kelapanda, Deputy Director Operations
Office: 305-514-6687
Cell: 305-608-7692
Email: [email protected]- Collections
- Technical Services
- Disposal
Olga Espinosa-Anderson, Deputy Director of Administration
Office: 305-514-6621
Cell: 786-501-6068
Email: [email protected]- Administration
- Financial Services
Johanna Faddis, Assistant Director, Intergovernmental Affairs & Constituent Services
Office: 305-514-6778
Cell: 786-909-4251
Email: [email protected]- Public Information & Outreach
- Intergovernmental and External Affairs
- Resilience Engineering & Environmental Compliance
Robert Vargas, Division Chief 3, Public Information & Outreach
Office: 305-514-6032
Cell: 786-593-2126
Email: [email protected]- Provides information regarding services available to customers
- Responds to customer service issues/complaints
- Educates citizens through outreach/social media regarding services
Misty Brown, Division Chief 3, Intergovernmental Affairs
Office: 305-514-6733
Cell: 305-903-4974
Email: [email protected]- Produces/coordinates local, state, and federal legislative activities for DSWM
- Submits Board of County Commission agenda items
- Suggests policy changes for the development of new DSWM policies and procedures
Nicholas Ciancio, Chief of Resilience Engineering & Environmental Compliance
Office: 305-514-6066
Cell: 305-301-9213
Email: [email protected]- Resilience & Sustainability initiatives
- Infrastructure services
- Funding research
Daniel Diaz, Assistant Director of Administration
Office: 305-514-6333
Cell: 305-608-5946
Email: [email protected]- Procurement & Contracts
- Labor Relations, Safety & Training
- Information Technology
- Personnel Services (Human Resources)
- Fleet Management
Karina Careaga, Division Chief 3, Procurement & Contract Management
Office: 305-514-6669
Cell: 305-297-9559
Email: [email protected]- Construction bid contracts, commodities & services
- Requisition & purchase orders
- Purchase orders for goods and services
- Payment processing for requests for goods & services under Department contracts
Trinese Lamb, Chief, Labor Relations, Safety & Training
Office: 305-514-6701
Email: [email protected]- Employee Training, Development & Promotional Classes (new hire orientation, technical equip. etc.)
- Employee driver safety & collision investigations, safety inspections, property damage
- Labor & Discipline (employee complaints, misconduct, disciplinary actions, lawsuits, grievances, contract negotiations)
Ruelynn Lafortune, Chief, Human Resources, Personnel Services
Office: 305-514-6705
Cell: 786-917-0096
Email: [email protected]- Payroll, FMLA, Worker’s Compensation
- Recruitment
- Wellness
- Employee Engagement & Recognition
Rey Llerena, Division Chief 3, Fleet Management
Office: 305-514-6332
Cell: 305-487-3666
Email: [email protected]- Departmental vehicle purchasing
- Fleet Management maintenance and servicing of Department vehicles
Bolanle Shorunke-Jean, Assistant Director of Financial Services
Office: 305-514-6048
Cell: 305-877-6303
Email: [email protected]- Budget & Fiscal Management
- Accounting and Bond Administration
- Scalehouse Operations
- Business Development & Contract Management
Michelle Chong, Division Director, DSWM Budget & Performance Tracking Budget & Fiscal Management
Office: 305-514-6045
Cell: 786-501-6476
Email: [email protected]- Develop/Monitor Departments Operating & Capital Improvement plan
- Capital Budget monitoring
- Department program monitoring through financial analysis & performance measures
- Data analysis and statistical reporting
Raul Trabanco, Controller, Accounting and Bond Administration
Office: 305-514-6726
Cell: 786-620-7145
Email: [email protected]- Maintain/Manage Department finances (billing & revenue)
- Department Financial Reports
- Administer/Monitor Department bonds
Stacey McDuffie-Brewster, Chief, Business Development & Contract Management
Office: 305-514-6040
Email: [email protected]- Develop/Review planning applications determining waste collection services
- Oversee Emergency Management
- Strategic planning
- Grants Management
Larry Wilson, Interim Acting Assistant Director of Collections
Office: 305-514-6363
Cell: 305-798-0878
Email: [email protected]- Garbage
- Trash
- Bulky Waste pick-up
- Manage 13 Trash & Recycling Centers
- Litter Crew/Miami-Dade County corridor clean up
- Residential Garbage pick-up
John Wong, Assistant Director of Technical Services
Office: 305-514-6663
Cell: 786-717-4425
Email: [email protected]- Technical Services & Environmental Affairs
- Facilities Maintenance
- Mosquito Control
- Resilience Engineering & Environmental Compliance
Ravi Kadambala, PhD., Division Director, Technical Services & Environmental Affairs
Office: 305-514-6672
Cell: 786-473-4916
Email: [email protected]- Construction & design of DSWM facilities
- Oversee Contractor construction of DSWM facilities
Humberto Contreras, Chief 3, Facilities Maintenance
Office: 305-514-6673
Cell: 786-641-7794
Email: [email protected]- Repair, maintenance & installation of heavy industrial, mechanical & electrical in DSWM Disposal & Collection facilities
John-Paul Mutebi, PhD., Chief, Mosquito Control
Office: 305-592-1187
Cell: 305-323-4346
Email: [email protected]- Surveillance: we monitor the mosquito populations of Miami-Dade County
- Responds to service requests for nuisance and vector
- Control larval and adult mosquitoes based on surveillance data, disease reports
Richard King, Assistant Director of Disposal
Office: 305-514-6029
Cell: 305-561-9752
Email: [email protected]- Code Enforcement
- Transfer System
- Landfills
Joseph Bolufe, Chief 3, Code Enforcement
Office: 305-514-6351
Cell: 305-903-5618
Email: [email protected]- Facilities Enforcement & Security
- Illegal Dumping Enforcement
- Solid Waste Civil Violations
Ruben Washington, Chief 3, Transfer System
Office: 305-514-6074
Cell: 786-641-8562
Email: [email protected]- Collection & Disposal at Transfer Stations
- Provides Dispoal services for municipalities, private haulers & DSWM Collections
Jeremiah Reed, Chief 3, Landfills
Office: 786-878-6468
Cell: 305-951-5031
Email: [email protected]- Landfill operations
- Waste disposal, processing of monofil and debris management
- Landfill efficiency and regulatory compliance
- Frank Calderon – Public Records Custodian
To request records:- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 305-514-6034
- Postal Mail:
Public Records CustodianSolid Waste Management2525 NW 62nd Street, 5th FloorMiami, FL 33147Miami-Dade County also has a public records management tool that allows you to request and track its status online. Create a new account or log in to submit and see updates to your public records requests.Per Florida Statute 668.6076, under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. - For media inquiries, contact:Solid WasteRobert Vargas, Division Chief 3, Public Information & Outreach
Office: 305-514-6032
Cell: 786-593-2126
Email: [email protected]Frank Calderon, Communications Manager
Office: 305-514-6034
Cell: 786-516-1001
Email: [email protected]Gabriela Fonseca, Information Officer
Email: [email protected]Mosquito Control
Monique Spence, Administrative Officer 3
Office: 305-592-1187
Cell: 305-298-1479
Email: [email protected]Michael Mut, Information Officer
Office: 305-592-1187
Cell: 305-310-1451
Email: [email protected] - Dr. John-Paul Mutebi, Division Director
Mosquito Control
8901 NW 58 Street, Miami, FL 33178
Phone: 311 or 305-468-5900
Email: [email protected]
Accommodations for persons with disabilities

Solid Waste Management
Aneisha Daniel, PhD
Dr. Martin Luther King Office Plaza
2525 NW 62nd Street,
5th Floor
Miami, FL 33147
305-514-6666 | [email protected]