Liquid Waste Transporter Permit

Pursuant to Chapter 24, Code of Miami-Dade County (the Code), a liquid waste transporter operating permit is required for any person or entity engaging in liquid waste transportation activities that originate or end in Miami-Dade County. These operating permits are issued by the Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) in the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources. The term “liquid waste” is defined in section 24-5, of the Code and encompasses a wide array of wastes in liquid, semi-solid and solid form which are typically generated by domestic, commercial, industrial, mining, institutional, agricultural or governmental operations.

Examples of liquid wastes commonly regulated by DERM’s liquid waste transporters program include, but are not limited to, sewage, septage, portable toilet waste, stormwater management system contents, brown grease (grease interceptor waste), yellow grease (used cooking oil), biohazardous waste, used oil, spent radiator fluid, photochemical fixer waste, other non-hazardous liquid waste and hazardous waste. A DERM liquid waste transporters permit does not establish authorization for disposal of liquid waste at any site located within or outside of Miami-Dade County. Disposal of liquid waste within Miami-Dade County shall only occur at facilities permitted by DERM that are specifically authorized to receive and manage such waste.