How to stay safe in the heat

When it’s hot, the number of people in Miami-Dade County with serious health problems like heat exhaustion, heat stroke, heart attacks, stroke, and kidney failure rises with the temperature.

Who is at higher risk
If you are in one of these groups and/or are the caretaker of someone in any of these groups take extra precautions to stay cool, drink water, and take breaks from the heat:
  • Older adults (65 and older)
  • Young children
  • People with chronic health conditions or mental illness
  • Athletes who exercise outdoors
  • Outdoor workers
  • People living unsheltered or with limited access to AC
  • Pregnant people
  • Pets
Note: Medications and health conditions can make you more sensitive to heat, including those for allergies and colds, thyroid, depression, heart/blood pressure, and weight loss. Check with your doctor about your health conditions and medications.