You must complete and submit a Retiree Insurance Application to the Benefits Division to continue your coverage into retirement. You will be billed for these benefits after your retirement date.
Your Optional Life insurance will be cancelled upon your retirement. You can convert up to the total benefit amount, to a whole life policy, directly with the insurance carrier. Information about how to do so, and the costs involved will be mailed to you with your billing calendar.
Once the Benefits Division confirms your last payroll deduction, an Annual Retiree Billing Calendar will be mailed to you, provided you have submitted the Retiree Insurance Application. This billing calendar will include a monthly premium breakdown for the balance of the calendar year. You will be responsible to pay your insurance premiums through the current billing month. Thereafter, premiums are due on the first day of the month. For that reason, we recommend that you budget for approximately three months of insurance premiums, since your first pension check may not arrive for approximately 60 days from the date of retirement.
If you or your covered dependent turn 65 subsequent to your retirement, there may be a change in your premium. If a plan election is required, you will receive information from us approximately 3 months prior to you/or your spouse’s 65th birthday. If no election is required we will send you a new billing calendar prior to the month your premium changes.
Most retirees elect to have their premiums withheld from their monthly pension checks issued by the Florida Retirement System (FRS). To have your insurance premiums deducted from your FRS check, you must complete a Payroll Authorization Form and remit with your application or with your first premium payment to the Benefits Division. Deductions begin about 60 days thereafter. You are responsible to send your payments to the Benefits Division until pension deductions begin. The insurance deduction will be reflected on your FRS check stub.
You may also elect to pay your premium by check or money order. Payments are due in our office on the first day of each month. Accounts are subject to cancellation if the premium payment is not received by the 30th day of the month for which payment is due. Make checks payable to Miami-Dade County and indicate your Retiree Identification Number on all checks.
Eligible retirees receive $5.00 per month for each year of service credit earned at retirement. The subsidy is at least $30 per month and no more than one-hundred fifty dollars ($150) per month. It is intended to help offset the cost of your health insurance coverage. You may contact the Division of Retirement at (844) 377-1888 for any Subsidy questions, or write to:
Division of Retirement P.O. Box 9000 Tallahassee, Florida 32315-9000
You may cancel your medical insurance coverage at any time. The insurance company or the County will not cancel your coverage unless:
Premiums are not paid on a timely basis
Coverage under the Master Contract is cancelled
You move out of the service area
You are enrolled under an HMO and become eligible for Medicare
Your covered dependent children reach the contract limiting age
You may only cancel your dental coverage if you:
Elect cancellation at the end of a calendar year
Enroll under an HMO Medicare Plan
Cancel your entire coverage with the Retiree Group
You need to apply to add your spouse to your medical or dental insurance plans within 45 days following the date of marriage or the date your spouse loses his or her insurance coverage. You need to send us a written request and a marriage certificate, when applicable.
If you die, dependents covered under your retiree medical, dental and vision insurance will be offered COBRA in accordance with Federal Law. Continuation of benefits may continue under COBRA for up to 36 months.
In order to cover eligible dependents, retirees must be enrolled in a Group Health plan. If you cancel your medical coverage upon becoming eligible for Medicare, dependents covered under your retiree medical will be offered COBRA in accordance with Federal Law. If you cancel your dental and vision coverage, your covered dependents will be offered COBRA. Continuation of benefits may continue under COBRA for up to 36 months. All cancellations are irrevocable; once cancelled, coverage will not be reinstated.
Retiree Resources
Miami-Dade County provides retirement benefits for eligible employees through the Florida Retirement System (FRS). Enrollment is automatic for full-time and part-time employees.
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