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Quick heroics lead to heartwarming reunion

Shawanda Beasley
For Miami-Dade Transit bus operators, safety and continuous training are paramount not just to drive a bus but to remain alert to the needs of their passengers. Operator Shawanda Beasley’s vigilance demonstrated how those two important factors can save someone’s life.

In July, operator Beasley’s quick thinking led to the safe recovery of a missing boy at Golden Glades Park and Ride. Beasley, a seasoned bus operator with 22 years of experience, noticed the young boy's unkept appearance and unusual behavior. What started as a casual conversation quickly revealed that the boy, who was dressed in a school uniform during the summer, was lost and alone. Beasley’s instincts as a mother and trained professional kicked in and prompted her to keep the boy close and seek help.

As Beasley engaged the boy in conversation, it became evident that something was wrong. He was confused about his school grade and he could not provide any helpful information about his family. Recognizing the situation's urgency, she called for assistance while ensuring the boy's safety. She guided him to a security officer, who, in coordination with bus supervisors, contacted the police. Despite the boy’s distress at the idea of police involvement, Beasley remained calm, reassuring him that help was on the way.

Later, Beasley learned that the boy had been missing from home and her actions had reunited him with his mother. Reflecting on the experience, she expressed deep empathy and emphasized the importance of the training bus operators receive.

“We don’t just sit behind the wheel and drive all day," she said. "We have so many jobs all in one.”

Beasley’s story is a powerful reminder of public transportation workers' significant role in the community, often going above and beyond their duties to protect those they serve.

Learn how to become a bus operator.

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