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Miami-Dade's annual chlorine conversion scheduled for Sept. 9-22

The chlorine conversion is an annual event that is scheduled each year in partnership with the Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County and the Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER), when WASD temporarily changes the method used to chlorinate the drinking water supply at its water treatment plants. Specifically, free chlorine, instead of the standard combined chlorine (chloramine), will be used during the treatment process. Free chlorine is considered an effective method of cleansing water distribution systems.
During this two-week period, some customers may notice a chlorine taste or smell. This temporary condition will not cause any adverse health effects.
You may notice department employees flushing water lines throughout the County during this period to ensure the entire distribution system is included. As a result, there may be intermittent, brief periods of lower-than-normal water pressure or instances of cloudy water. If you notice cloudy water, let the water run for three to five minutes until the water runs clear. This temporary cosmetic issue does not impact water quality and is necessary to support our daily commitment to deliver safe, reliable drinking water year-round.
If you have questions about water quality, you can call the Department’s Laboratory Division. Customers who live north of SW 8th Street should call 786-552-4738, and those living south of SW 8th Street should call 786-552-4181.
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