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Coconut Grove Metrorail Station temporarily closing for major renovations starting Jan. 21

The Coconut Grove Metrorail Station will be temporarily closed for approximately four months beginning on Jan. 21 to expedite and complete much-needed station renovations.
Once the renovations are completed, transit riders will have access to an enhanced experience that includes new elevators and escalators, new modern granite benches, updated restrooms, new way-finding signage, and new ADA-compliant features.
This project is part of the broader Grove Central development, a transit-oriented community initiative designed to improve connectivity and accessibility for the Coconut Grove community and surrounding areas. Several station improvements have already been completed, and this next phase will bring the project closer to its full potential. The station is expected to reopen in the spring of 2025.
Transit Riders
During the renovations, Metrorail trains will not stop at the station. To ensure minimal disruption during the closure, DTPW will provide a FREE bus shuttle service between Douglas Road and Coconut Grove Metrorail stations.
Additional mobility options are being finalized and will be announced soon.
Throughout the closure, parking for transit riders will be moved to level 5 of Grove Central’s garage. Read more about Grove Central, a Transit-Oriented Community developed in partnership with DTPW to meet the needs of a growing community.
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