Request a Floating Water Meter (Construction Meter)

Sample of floating meter parts
A floating meter (also known as a construction meter) is used when water is needed for any remodeling or new construction. The property must not have a water meter installed to allow the use of the floating meter. If no service (meter box) is available floating meter can connect to a fire hydrant with the Fire Department's approval.
Floating meters are typically used by industrial entities, developers, landscape and irrigation companies in vehicles, construction job sites, and film crews. Unlike a standard meter, a floating meter is not attached or fixed to a specific site it is portable (hence the term "floating"). A new temporary account will be opened, and the floating meter can be picked up at the water distribution yard (meter shop). The meter is also returned there along with any accompanying parts and supplies. Floating meter assemblies are very heavy and can be too large to fit in the trunk of a car. It is recommended the customer use a pickup truck or similar vehicle to pick up the floating meter.
If the floating meter is to be connected to a fire hydrant, an approval is required from the appropriate Fire Department (depending on jurisdiction).
- Miami-Dade Fire Rescue - Unincorporated Miami-Dade County and many smaller municipalities
- City of Miami Department of Fire Rescue - City of Miami city limits
- City of Coral Gables Fire Department - City of Coral Gables city limits
Online Options
Phone Number(s)
Construction Complaint Unit (Non-billing)
Call Before You Dig
Email / Mail
Locations and Hours
All Request a Floating Water Meter Locations

Water and Sewer
Amanda Kinnick, Interim DirectorWater and Sewer Douglas Office
3071 SW 38th Ave,
Miami, FL 33146
305-665-7477 | [email protected]