Water Conservation Rebates for Residents

Water and Sewer
Amanda Kinnick, Interim DirectorWater and Sewer Douglas Office
3071 SW 38th Ave,
Miami, FL 33146
305-665-7477 | [email protected]
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Residents can receive rebates for the purchase and installation of high-efficiency toilets, faucets and showerheads, which can reduce water bills and conserve water.
Program Requirements
Rebate Amounts
Program Requirements
Requests for more than 50 rebates per period will be considered.
Rebate Amounts
Program Requirements
Rebate Amounts
If you live in a single-family or multi-family property built before 1996, you can exchange old showerheads for a maximum of two free high-efficiency showerheads per property.
Single-family Residences
Multi-Family Residences
Owners of multi-family residential properties built before 1996 are eligible for a "Large Volume Distribution" of high efficiency showerheads.
A household can reduce its water use by more than 4,000 gallons a year with the installation of a high-efficiency toilet. A family of four can save more than $90 a year in reduced water bills and $2,000 over the toilet's lifetime.
After the toilet, the shower is the largest water user in the home, consuming up to 30 percent of total household water.
Using a high-efficiency showerhead can save up to 2,900 gallons of water in one year for the average family.
Water-wasting showerheads have flow rates of five to eight gallons per minute. Using this type of fixture would send about 25 to 40 gallons of water down the drain and into the sewer during a five-minute shower.
By contrast, high-efficiency showerheads use only 1.5 gallons per minute, or 7.5 gallons for a five-minute shower, reducing water demand by at least 50 percent.
With the installation of a high-efficiency faucet, the average family could save 700 gallons of water per year. If every family in the United States took this water-saving step, four billion gallons of water could be saved each year.
Water and Sewer Douglas Office
3071 SW 38th Ave,
Miami, FL 33146
305-665-7477 | [email protected]
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