Voters with disabilities have multiple voting options that meet the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) standards in Miami-Dade County. All voting locations offer a paper-based voting system with a touchscreen, audio technology, and sip-and-puff capabilities to assist voters with special needs. There is also an accessible vote-by-mail option that provides the voter more independence when casting a vote-by-mail ballot from home.
The National Voter Registration Act, also known as the Motor Voter Act, came to be so that people could register to vote more easily. It was also written to help boost the number of minority voters and the number of voters with disabilities.
The Motor Voter Act requires all offices of state-funded programs that provide services to persons with disabilities to also provide them with voter registration applications, to assist them with completing the applications, and to send the completed applications to the proper state official. For more information, call 305-499-8363.
You can register to vote at the following locations:
Any voter with a qualified disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)has the option to receive an accessible vote-by-mail ballot by email. This type of ballot may make it easier to cast your ballot independently without the assistance of another person.
When requesting online, ensure the box labeled "Voters with Disabilities" has been checked
Once the request has been processed, the voter will receive an email with a link to the accessible ballot
If you're eligible for an election, your accessible ballot will then be available to you electronically. Once you have made all your preferred selections on the screen, you will be required to print the ballot from the site and return the accessible ballot by mail. Voters participating in the program will still receive a vote-by-mail packet by regular mail via the United States Postal Service that will include the paper ballot. You may choose to use the paper ballot sent with the vote-by-mail packet as an alternative or if you have an issue printing the electronic ballot
Return only one ballot using the envelope provided
Be sure to sign inside the red box on the outside of the envelope
The ballot must be receivedby the Office of the Supervisor of Elections no later than 7:00 p.m. on Election Day
You cannotelectronically return your ballot under Florida Law. You can only receive the ballot electronically. It must be returned as described above
An immediate family member may return the vote-by-mail ballot to the Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections or drop it off at a Secure Intake Station at any Early Voting Site
The Voting Rights Act has provisions that ensure that every voter can register to vote, easily enter and exit the polling location, and have easy access to a voting booth. Also, the Voting Rights Act requires that ballots don't discriminate against blind or visually impaired people.
All polling places are equipped with at least one ADA touchscreen voting machine. Our ExpressVote ballot marking devices display your ballot on a screen and allow you to mark your ballot privately and independently, with the help of audio, enlarged text, braille, sip and puff, and other features
When you check in to vote, let the poll worker know that you would like to use the ExpressVote to mark your ballot
The poll worker will give you an ExpressVote ballot, and after you make your selections, the ExpressVote ballot with your selections will be printed and provided back to you
Then, you'll take your ExpressVote ballot and place it in the scanner to be tabulated. This is the same scanner that tabulates all the in-person ballots at that location. Review the tutorial on how to use the ExpressVote Voting Machine
Voters may choose an individual to assist them with voting. Per Florida Statute 101.051 a voter who needs assistance to vote must fill out a Declaration to Secure Assistance. An election official can assist, but if the voter brings a person to provide assistance, that person must fill out a Declaration to Provide Assistance. Both of these forms are available at the voting location:
The Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Actrequires that voting locations are set up so that people with disabilities can enter, vote, and exit with relative ease during federal elections. The law also requires that telecommunications devices for the deaf (TDDs), which are also known as teletypewriters (TTYs), are available.
All polling places are ADA accessible
Accessible telecommunication is available at 305-499-8480 (voice/TTY)
The Voting Rights Actrequires that ballots don't discriminate against people who can't read English.
All ballots and election-related materials are available in three languages: English, Spanish and Creole
Polling places are staffed with bilingual workers to provide voter assistance
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