Workforce Housing Development Program

Miami-Dade County’s Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) and Regulatory and Economic Resources Department (RER) or their successor departments oversee the administration of the Miami-Dade County Workforce Housing Development Program. 

The Workforce Housing Development Program is a voluntary program that provides density bonuses, and other incentives for the development of affordable housing for working families and individuals.

Workforce Housing is defined as housing that is affordable for families whose incomes are within 60 to140 percent of the Country’s area income as reported by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and adjusted to family size ($50,820 to $118,580, respectively, for a family of four).

Developers interested in participating in the Workforce Housing Development Program should become familiar with the approval process and attend a free workforce housing workshop  offered by RER by calling 305-375-1806.

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