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Janitorial & Landscaping Services Program (JLS)

The Janitorial and Landscaping Services Purchasing Program (JLS) is intended to enhance contracting opportunities for certified Small Business Entity (SBE) firms (per Section 2- of the Miami-Dade County Code) through the award of equitable and appropriately sized janitorial and landscaping services contract awards. The Strategic Procurement Department (SPD) is the administrator of the JLS Purchasing Program with support from the Small Business Development Division of the Internal Services Department, or successor departments.

The JLS Purchasing Program has two pools set aside for prequalified certified SBE firms as defined in Section 2- of the County Code: one pool is set aside for the purchase of janitorial services and one pool is set aside for the purchase of landscaping services, if permitted by the funding source. Placement in any of the pools is not a contract between the County and any vendor, but an acknowledgment that included vendors meet the qualifications listed on the subject pools. Prequalified vendors will be invited to participate in future competitions on an as-needed basis.

JLS Program Eligibility Requirements and Registration
To enroll in the JLS Purchasing Program, Suppliers/Vendors shall comply with the following requirements:
  • Register as a Supplier/Vendor with SPD in order to enter into contract with the County. It is incumbent upon the Supplier/Vendor to ensure all contact information in the registration remains current to ensure that the Supplier/Vendor will receive ITQs/WOPRs.
  • Be certified as a County SBE Goods and Services (SBE-G&S) firm and maintain certification requirements. For more information  please visit the Office of Small Business Development or call 305-375-3111.
  • Submit an application to get prequalified for either the janitorial or landscaping pool and demonstrate the Supplier/Vendor meets the qualification requirements for the applicable pool. The Supplier/Vendor shall submit all of the specified information, documents and attachments as listed in the Qualification Requirements section of the Application for Janitorial Services Pool or the Application for Landscaping Services Program. The County may, at its sole discretion and in its best interest, allow Supplier/Vendor to complete, supplement or supply the required documents throughout the term of the JLS Purchasing Program.
  • Vendor/Supplier must anticipate the inclusion of the County’s Section 1 - General Terms and Conditions in all contracts resulting from ITQs/WOPRs.  These general terms and conditions are considered non-negotiable. All current and applicable terms and conditions pertaining to a resultant contract may be viewed online.
Vendor/Supplier may apply to participate in the JLS programs Janitorial and/or Landscaping Services online through the Janitorial Application and Landscaping Application

For questions regarding the Janitorial and Landscaping Services program registration, call SPD at 305-375-5773 or email [email protected].