Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
Miami-Dade County is committed to green building design and construction standards to safeguard our environment, enhance quality of life and promote sustainability in our communities.
Under current permitting processes, solar photovoltaic (PV) projects may be permitted by submitting your requirements through the Portal. This allows the plans and documentation to be routed electronically to multiple departments for review and approval concurrently, thus allowing for a faster permitting process after a complete application is received.
Additionally, projects utilizing solar, wind, and other forms of renewable energy are eligible for Green Building Expedited review per Section 8-6 of Miami-Dade County Code. In order to request an expedited review, applicants should visit the Sustainable Buildings Program and complete the SBP New Project Form.
What do I need to obtain a solar PV system permit?
Applicants seeking a permit for a solar PV energy system are required to submit the following items at the time of permit application:
- A completed Building Permit Application signed and notarized by the property owner and contractor.
- A completed Electrical Fee sheet signed by the contractor with the Electrical Category 34- Solar Photovoltaic information completed.
- Submission of electronic plans which contain all drawings and supporting documents in PDF file format based on the Document Submission Guidelines. Plans, specifications, plats, reports, or other documents submitted for review via the Portal in electronic format must be signed and sealed electronically. Your design professional will need to provide you with an electronic version of your plans that are digitally signed and sealed. For more information, check Digitally Signing and Sealing Documents.
Applicants who submit plans in paper format will be assessed a conversion fee based on the current fee schedule. These fees must be paid in addition to required fees prior to the documents being sent for plan review. Additionally, conversion may add extra time to the review process. For more information, visit How to Apply for Permit.
Need solar system assistance?
You must create an account and register through the online registration system (MeetQ) to meet with staff. Consults can be scheduled in-person, by phone, or virtually on the specified days and times listed on the MeetQ homepage. For further assistance, call 786-315-2100.
You may save time and money by obtaining a permit using one of the Department’s prescribed roofing details for solar panel permits:
- PV Mount Detail "B" - Travel Base for Tile Roof
- PV Mount Detail "E" - Standing Seam Metal Roof
- PV Mount Detail - Speedseal Foot Shingle
- PV Mount Detail "F" - Shingle Skirt Flashing
- PV Mount Detail "G" - Low Slope
- PV Mount Detail "A" - Tile Roof
- Detail "C" Manufactured Curb Low Slope (Flat Pipes)
- PV Mount Detail "D" - Metal Roof - Solar Foot
As a condition for obtaining this permit, you must agree to abide by the pre-approved flashing detail provided. When applying, complete the Electrical Fee Sheet (gold form) with the Miami-Dade County Solar Mounted System fee code (G137), include the pre-approved Miami-Dade County flashing detail, structural plans, and other supporting documents. Projects using this method benefit from a reduced permit fee.
Online Options
Phone Number(s)
Permits Records Section

Edward A. Rojas, Building Official
Herbert S. Saffir Permitting and Inspection Center
11805 SW 26 Street,
Miami, FL 33175