Reconnect Water Service
If your water service has been disconnected and you make the required payment, call the Customer Care Center at 305-665-7477 as soon as possible. Once payment is verified, an order will be placed to reconnect the water service.
If you call before 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, your service will be reconnected before midnight; otherwise, your water service will be reconnected by 10 a.m.
If you call by 3 p.m. on Saturday or Sunday, your service will be reconnected the same day; otherwise, your water service will be reconnected by 10 a.m.
By calling to request service reconnection, you accept responsibility for having all fixtures in the OFF position to avoid any water loss or damage to the property. Water service will not be reconnected if there is evidence of water registering at the meter. A reconnection fee of $35.00 is applied to your account for each visit required to reconnect the service.
How to pay:
Locations and Hours
All Reconnect Water Service Locations
Related Services

Water and Sewer
Amanda Kinnick, Interim DirectorWater and Sewer Douglas Office
3071 SW 38th Ave,
Miami, FL 33146
305-665-7477 | [email protected]