Uber Voucher Program
Important Message
Once your account is set up, follow these steps to get going:
- Enter your pick-up/drop-off address
When prompted, enter the address of your pick-up and drop-off locations in order to see your pickup time options. Choose your preferred pick-up time. - Meet your driver
Check the estimated time of arrival (ETA) to know when your driver will be pulling up. Easily track the vehicle’s progress in real time in the app. Your pick-up spot may be within a short walking distance of your current location, but don’t worry, we’ll give you details on exactly where to meet your driver. Use the directions in the app to follow the dotted line and arrive at your meeting point. - Enjoy the ride
Use your MetroConnect app to track your route and see the ETA to your destination.
Transportation and Public Works
Josiel Ferrer-Diaz
Overtown Transit Village North
701 NW 1st Court,
Suite 1700
Miami, FL 33136