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Facilities & Fueling

Elevator button panel

Review fee schedule, permits, affidavits and inspection reports.

Elevator Permits and Inspection Forms
Two parking lot spaces

Learn about parking fees, how to pay using payroll deduction, events ticket validation and more.

Public Parking
Gas pump

Find fueling locations, address, fuel type, phone number and hours.

Fueling Locations

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Featured Services

Find elevator information on topics such as accidents, permits and inspection forms, elevator listing and more.

Locate public parking facilities, find parking forms, learn about e-validation and read frequently asked questions about parking and parking payments.

Read a list of fueling locations and hours, learn about fuel cards, locate shop locations for fleet vehicles and more.

About Us

The Facilities and Utilities Unit of the People & Internal Operations Department manages, renovates and maintains County-operated facilities and parking operations, administers countywide security and energy performance contracts, manages utility use and regulates elevator equipment throughout Miami-Dade County.

The Fleet Management Unit maintains the County's light and heavy mobile equipment fleet, provides fuel and maintenance to County departments, municipalities and other governmental entities; and administers the Vehicle Replacement and Fuel Conservation Program.