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Branding & Design Guidelines

While branding is more than a logo, branding County services with a consistent identifier increases public awareness of what we do, builds confidence in County government and, ultimately, increases support for County services and programs. The use of a uniform countywide brand helps to increase the public's awareness of the wide variety of services offered by Miami-Dade County. On May 11, 2004, the Board of County Commissioners adopted a "refreshed" County logo as the official County brand.

The Miami-Dade County identity program is based on the single principle that there is only one purpose for the published material issued by Miami-Dade County - to communicate facts, services and ideas. While we have many excellent departments providing exceptional service, we must not lose sight of the fact that these are County services, and must endeavor to promote and clearly identify all of the many services the County provides.

As per the Miami-Dade County Branding Policy (County Network Only), the Communications and Customer Experience Department (CCED) must approve all branding and creative development that represents or illustrates the County image or services offered by our departments.

The Communications and Customer Experience Department (CCED) Creative designs, develops and executes campaigns and provides comprehensive creative graphic design. We also ensure that the design and branding reflect policies and procedures.

The County's digital domain must follow County branding and accessibility best practices, to meet the needs of all audiences, build public trust, maintain high search engine rankings and protect our County from legal liability.

Basic Elements

The basic elements of the County's graphic identity include:

  • Logo
  • Typography
  • Official colors

To maintain this graphic identity, it is essential that these elements are never modified and that they are always used in accordance with the approved standards in this manual.

This guide specifies the editorial and graphic standards for Miami-Dade County. It sets forth the principals that help Miami-Dade County achieve four necessary and sometimes difficult-to-reconcile objectives:

  • A Miami-Dade Countywide editorial style that ensures consistency and accuracy in internal and external communications
  • A distinctive and unifying institutional identity that reflects the image and character of Miami-Dade County and that is consistent throughout the range of publications and among all audiences
  • A level of production excellence that will satisfactorily convey to audiences Miami-Dade County's standard of quality
  • Maximum economy with each dollar of our respective publishing budgets