General Government
Audit & Management Services
- AMS examines the operations of County government, other governmental jurisdictions and external companies, contractors and grantees to ensure that public funds are being spent appropriately and efficiently.
- AMS regularly performs audits of high-risk functions and activities and responds to special audit requests from the Office of the Mayor, Board of County Commissioners, Chiefs and Department Directors.
Communications & Customer Experience Department
- 311 Contact Center/Service Center Provide centralized access to government information and in-person services to the community
- Digital Communications Manages content for, 311 Contact Center, departmental and external partner websites and other digital communication channels
Elections Department
- Voter registration: You must live in Miami-Dade County to register to vote in Miami-Dade County. There is no length of time you must live in the county as long as you register at least 29 days before the election in which you wish to vote.
- Vote by Mail: Miami-Dade County voters may choose to receive a vote-by-mail ballot for a specific election, or for all elections in which they are eligible to vote through the next regularly scheduled general election.
Finance Department
- Facilitate current and delinquent real and personal property taxes, special assessments for all local taxing authorities, local business tax receipts, and convention and tourist taxes.
- Issue automobile, boat, hunting and fishing licenses, as well as process motor vehicle registration and renewals.
Human Resources Department
- Ensure that employees are properly compensated based on the position/job they occupy.
- Conduct public outreach and training to residents, visitors, and businesses about federal, state, and local employment, housing, and public accommodation discrimination laws.
Information Technology Department
- Develops and implements data security policies, manages enterprise security risk and manages the County’s data security infrastructure, remote access, directory services and mobile messaging.
- Provides multi‐platform automated application systems for the support of public safety applications for all criminal justice departments, for administrative, legislative, parks, property appraiser, public housing, and community action needs.
Internal Services Department
- Supports governmental operations by providing procurement services.
- Performs minor repairs, renovations, and maintenance of county-operated facilities.
Office of Management and Budget
- Establishes and carries out departmental policies and implements policies enacted by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) and the Mayor.
- Administers and monitors community‐based organization (CBO) contracts and the Mom and Pop Small Business Grant Program.

Office of the Mayor
Daniella Levine Cava
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
29th Floor
Miami, FL 33128
305-375-5071 | [email protected]