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Management and Budget

Managing resources for a thriving community.

Community Redevelopment and Municipal Services

Community Redevelopment Agencies can be created to revitalize areas designated as slum and blight.

Read about how to incorporate an area into a new municipality, as well as Municipal Advisory Committees studying incorporation requests.

Boundary changes to a municipality can be initiated by the municipality or by an individual. See a list of current annexation applications.

Bonds Acquisition Administration

Annual reports to bondholders cover all of the outstanding municipal bonds issued by the County through the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30.

These ordinances regulate the sale of bonds, establish the Finance Committee and set the criteria for the underwriting pool.

County Policies

Search Administrative and Implementing Orders that set Miami-Dade County legislation, policies, procedures, fees and more.

Guidelines and procedures for Miami-Dade County employees to follow.

An alphabetical list of terms used in Miami-Dade County's organization.

The County’s travel policies and procedures ensure all individuals traveling on official County business comply with established requirements.

County boards created by the Board of County Commissioners through ordinance or resolution are subject to a sunset review process on a biennial schedule.

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About Us

Our Mission: The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) provides the reliable information, expert analysis, guidance, resources, and oversight needed to support excellent public service delivery and to ensure a fiscally responsible local government that is accountable to the community.

Values: The following values guide our daily work and decision-making:

  • Integrity: We use the resources entrusted to us honestly and for the benefit of our visitors and residents.
  • Accountability: We stand behind our work and accept the consequences of our decisions.
  • Excellence: We strive for the highest quality results.
  • Leadership: We make challenging decisions when necessary.
  • Adaptability: We are flexible and open to new ideas and respond effectively to changing circumstances.
  • Transparency: We are open and honest.
  • Empathy: We consider the experiences and perspectives of our customers and stakeholders.

Read OMB's Business Plan