Grants for Community-Based Organizations
Through the Community-Based Organization (CBO) Grant Program, administered by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Miami-Dade County allocates more than $15 million annually to support a broad range of human and social services delivered by nonprofit CBOs.
Valuable partnerships:
CBOs are valued as partners for their ability to reach residents and deliver impactful services, share insights and expertise, give voice to the challenges faced by local families, and mobilize resources.
Day-to-day, residents benefit from CBO services delivered in homes, schools, community centers, churches, parks and more. When a resident is in crisis, a neighborhood-based CBO may be their most trusted source of information, assistance, and access to other connections.
Collectively, CBO efforts to serve individuals add up to major contributions to community-wide prevention and problem-solving efforts. A strong CBO network complements the work of the County and major institutions within critical sectors and systems (e.g., the health system, education system, law enforcement and the courts, systems of care for foster care, aging, mental health, and more).
County investments in CBOs support jobs and our economy. Additionally, CBOs mobilize significant financial resources, volunteer time, and donated goods and services. All add value to County investments in human and social services.
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Management and Budget
David Clodfelter, DirectorStephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
22nd Floor
Miami, FL 33128