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Request for Applications, Proposals and Qualifications (RFA, RFP, RFQ)

HCD administers the Miami-Dade County entitlement’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program, and on an annual basis advertises a Request for Applications (RFA) for various local entities to support housing and community development activities that meet HUD national objectives. HCD also uses the RFA process to solicit applications for its Documentary Stamp Surtax (Surtax) and State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) funding programs.

A Request for Proposals (RFP) process may be used by HCD to solicit vendors to develop housing and/or commercial developments on county-owned land to benefit low- and moderate-income individuals. Grant funds or loan funds may be provided, depending upon the specific requirements of each project being solicited.

A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process is less common and may be used by HCD to solicit vendors to provide services in response to a specific set of written criteria.