Plan Review

Plan review is a part of the permitting process where your documents will be reviewed by the plans processing staff.

At this time, your application and documents have already been accepted and a process number has been assigned to you. To initiate the plan review process, upfront fees will first need to be paid. You may complete payment using your process number in the Pay Fees Due section.

For more information, visit How to Apply for a Permit.

Why do I need plan review?
To determine if the permit(s) you are applying for complies with the requirements of the Florida Building Code, Miami-Dade County Code and other applicable municipality requirement. Our purpose is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and to ensure that all buildings and property development are safe and secure for all.

How do I submit documents for plan review?
Submittals will be accepted using the Plans Status & Application Portal and/or in person. For in person submittals, documents will be converted into electronic format. The plan review will be completed electronically by multiple departments simultaneously, thus expediting the permitting process. Check the Document Submission Guidelines to submit your documents correctly.

Plans, specifications, plats, reports or other documents submitted for review via the Portal (GoldKey) in electronic format must be signed and sealed electronically. Your design professional will need to provide you with an electronic version of your plans that are digitally signed and sealed. For more information, check Digitally Signing and Sealing Documents.

Applicants who submit plans in-person in paper format will be assessed a conversion fee based on the current fee schedule. These fees must be paid in addition to required upfront fees prior to the documents being sent for plan review. Additionally, conversion may add extra time to the review process.

Some common permits do not require a design professional. For more information, visit How to Apply for Permit.

How long does plan review take?
Depending on the type of permit and the complexity of the project, plan reviews may take between 24 hours and 10 business days for the initial review, except for any corrections needed. If corrections are needed, Reworks review may take between 24 hours and 10 business days once corrections are submitted.

Once the initial review process or Reworks are complete, you will be notified via the contact methods provided on your application whether your application and documents have been approved or require corrections. You may also check the status of your plan review by using the Plans Status & Application Submittal Portal with your assigned process number.

Miami-Dade County offers expedited plan review services for certain projects and permits:
  • Affordable and Workforce Housing Expedited Plan Review
  • Concierge Plan Review
  • Cookie Cutter Program
  • Green Building Expedited Plan Review
  • Master Model Program for Subdivision Development
  • Optional Plan Review Service (OPR) (Currently unavailable) 

Need plan review assistance?
Get clarification on plan review comments, discuss rework fees or resolve other issues by meeting with plan review professionals. You must create an account and register through the online registration system (MeetQ) to meet with staff. Consults can be scheduled in person, by phone or virtually on the specified days and times listed on the MeetQ homepage. For more assistance, call 786-315-2100.

Peer Review
A structural peer review is intended to provide a third-party engineering verification of the structural design of the building proposed for construction. The engineer performing the peer review shall verify conformance with the Florida Building Code (FBC), and applicable reference codes as listed within the Florida Building Code and with well-established principles of mechanics and engineering practice. See Structural Plan Review below for more information. *Please note, there is a fee for structural peer review.