Shift305 - An initiative to revitalize Miami-Dade’s Transportation System by 2025 which encompasses four objectives: Safe, Clean, Efficient, and Connected.
DTPW is committed to providing Miami-Dade residents, workers and visitors a transportation network that allows them to readily get to the places they choose to work, play and learn.
Connect networks and services to expand viable access to jobs, schools and opportunities
Use data and smart systems to match mobility services to travel demands
Connect people to place and celebrate Miami’s culture, history and pride in the streets
Connect with the communities we serve
Connect residents with systems to efficiently report issues and ensure centralized databases
Increase annual ridership on MDC transit by 5%
Implementation of Miami-Dade County Art in Public Spaces to connect MDC residents with culture
Implementation of a public-facing communications plan
Creation of a DTPW website with on-going/planned and implemented projects
Enhance social media presence and responsiveness with a dedicated resource
The following are actions with specific projects that are already being implemented and have a specific timeline. Future projects will be added under this pillar.
Implement the Smart Program
Explore opportunities to leverage TNCs for increased access to (on-demand) transit, such as through a voucher program
Consolidate efforts and officialize an Art in Public Places program connected to the department’s External Marketing Campaign
Create a public-facing communications plan to showcase DTPW programs and services
Implement the Better Bus Network program to increase the frequency of transit and speed up journeys
Design a public-facing dashboard(s) for key projects and programs to ensure that the community has a consistent and reliable communication channel
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