Hurricane Irma
As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.

Read about Temporary Construction and Permitting Procedures in response to coronavirus (COVID-19).
Miami-Dade County Permits
Building Permits Overview
Get an overview of the Building Permit process.
Building Permit Application
The Building Permit application is required for any significant construction report. The application includes a Notice of Commencement, Release of Lien and Affidavit and guidelines.
Additional Resources
Temporary Certificate of Completion or Occupancy Application
See requirements and view the application for a Temporary Certificate of Completion or Occupancy.
Affidavit of Construction (for South Florida Building Code permits only)
Certification that the structural and envelope components of a structure are in compliance with approved plans and documents.
Helpful Hints When Planning a Home Renovation
Read a brochure that offers home renovation guidelines.
Additional Resources
Helpful Hints Regarding Buying a Newly Constructed Home
Read a brochure that offers tips on buying a newly-constructed home.
Newly Issued Permits
Read a brochure with answers to common questions about permits issued for work to be performed on your property.
About Plan Review
An overview of the Plan Review process.
Affordable and Workforce Housing Expedite program
To encourage and promote the construction of workforce housing units and affordable housing projects, Miami-Dade County has established an expedited plan review program to ensure the timely processing of permit applications and review of plans.
Additional Resources
Multi-Department Review Request (Contact Sheet)
Request plan reviews from multiple divisions of Regulatory and Economic Resources Department, as well as other Miami-Dade County departments.
Note: This form is specific to Permitting and Inspection Center
Additional Resources
Application for Plan Revision
Complete an application for plan revisions.
Additional Resources
Alternative Plan Review and Inspections
This program allows the "Fee Owner" the option of using a Private Provider to conduct plan review and inspection duties in lieu of the municipal building department personnel.
Additional Resources
- List of Private Providers
- List of Duly Authorized Representatives
- Alternative Plan Review and Inspection Registration -- Authorized Representative Employment Affidavit
- Notice to Building Official of Use of Private Provider for Alternative Plan Review or Inspection
- Alternative Plan Review - Plan Compliance Affidavit
- Private Provider Statement of Inspection
Professional Certification Program Affidavit
Under this optional program, the Building Official for Miami-Dade will not review the plans submitted or perform the code inspections, subject only to the quality assurance program established by ordinance.
Optional (Expedited) Plan Review Service
Read a brochure about optional and expedited plan review service.
Additional Resources
Digitally Signing and Sealing Documents
Plans, specifications, plats, reports, or other documents submitted in electronic format for review must be signed and sealed electronically.
Additional Resources
Five Most Common Disapproval Comments
Read a brochure with the five most common disapproval comments when seeking approval of a building project.
Commercial Building Plan Review Guidelines
This form provides a list of code requirements that must be verified by the Building Official before the issuance of a building permit.
Additional Resources
Concierge Plan Review
Concierge Plan Review is an optional service designed to expedite the issuance of a permit for large commercial buildings by working with a team of experienced plan reviewers.
Additional Resources
Water & Sewer Review Checklist for Commercial Building Permit Approval
This checklist provides a general list of items required for approval of a Building Permit.
Additional Resources
Residential Building Plan Review Guidelines
This form provides a list of code requirements that must be verified by the Building Official before the issuance of a building permit.
Additional Resources
Commercial and Residential Structural Plan Review Guidelines
This form provides a list of code requirements that must be verified by the Building Official before the issuance of a building permit.
Additional Resources
Accessible Buildings
Most new buildings and remodeled areas of existing buildings are required to be accessible, and handicapped parking spaces must be provided.
Accessible Design
The 2010 ADA Standards set minimum requirements -- both scoping and technical -- for newly designed and constructed or altered State or local government facilities, public accommodations, and commercial facilities to be readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities.
Additional Resources
Concurrent Plans Processing (CPP)
The Concurrent Plans Processing System (CPP) allows the plans and documentation to be sent electronically to multiple departments for review, thus expediting the permitting process.
Cookie Cutter Program
The Cookie Cutter Program was designed to expedite the plan review process for the construction of a model of home that is being built on a repetitive basis.
Additional Resources
Master Model Program for Subdivision Development
The Master Model Program may be established for a subdivision containing a minimum of 25 lots for single family residential, fee-simple townhouse, duplex, cluster home and zero lot line development.
It may also be utilized for certain commercial and multi-family residential developments.
Additional Resources
Townhouse & Twin Home Design
The Design Professional of Record must declare townhouse and twin home permitting option criteria.
Additional Resources
View or Obtain Original Building Plans
Get information about viewing or obtaining original building plans of a home or commercial property.
Additional Resources
Property Enforcement Research Application
Request enforcement research for properties.
Building Review - "Approved as Noted" Criteria
Read Approved as Noted criteria for Building, Structural, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Review.
Fire-Rescue Review - "Approved as Noted" Criteria
Read the "Approved as Noted" Fire Rescue criteria for buildings.
Green Building Expedited Plan Review
Miami-Dade County is committed to green building design and construction standards in order to safeguard our environment; enhance quality of life; and promote sustainable development in our communities.
To encourage energy-efficient and environmentally friendly construction, Miami-Dade County is offering a Green Building Expedited Plan Review program. Projects meeting the following criteria are eligible:
1. Limited to new construction of residential, commercial and industrial projects.
Additions, alterations, repairs and the new construction of accessory structures are not eligible for the expedited program.
2. The project has a dollar value of $50,000 or more.
3. The applicant has to submit, at time of permit application, an original or certified copy of a letter from the Florida Green Building Coalition or the United States Green Building Council indicating that the design has been registered or certified as a green building by the organization.
Additional Resources
Amnesty / Code Relief
The Code Relief (Amnesty Ordinance), Ordinance 02-44, is an amendment to Chapter 8 of the Code of Miami-Dade County which established a procedure to bring structures built without proper permits, or built with permits that are lacking mandatory inspections, into compliance with the Building Code.
Additional Resources
Building Code Amnesty Program
Residents of the unincorporated area of Miami-Dade County may benefit from an Amnesty Period if faced with civil penalties and liens for Building Code violations (Expired Permit violations, Work Without Permit violations). This period will end on July 12, 2020.
Elevator Permits
All permits for new construction, alteration and repairs, as well as Certificates of Operation will be issued by Miami-Dade County Office of Elevator Safety. Miami-Dade County Office of Elevator Safety will monitor and regulate all elevator activities, as required by law.
Temporary Certificate of Operation Application for Elevators
A form seeking a temporary certificate of operation for elevators.
Additional Resources
Building Permit Exemptions
The exemptions are from Florida Building Code requirements only. Other State and County regulatory departments and agencies may require approvals or permits.
Additional Resources
Building Permit Notice of Commencement / Termination / Release of Lien
A signature of a notary public is required.
Additional Resources
Change of Contractor
The undersigned subcontractors are to be properly notified of the change of contractor.
Hold Harmless
This form is to be completed when the legal owner of subject property requests the cancellation of the work covered by the permit.
Procedures for Refunds and Permit Cancellations
General information on refunds and permit cancellations.
Building Fees
Permit Fee Sheets must be submitted as part of a permit application, when applying for electrical, mechanical, or plumbing permits. Permit fee sheets break down the cost of the permit by category: Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing and Gas.
Additional Resources
Mechanical Fee Sheet
See the Mechanical Fee Sheet rates.
Electrical Fee Sheet
See the Electrical Fee Sheet rates.
Plumbing and Gas Fee Sheet
See the Plumbing and Gas Fee Sheet rates.
Fire Prevention Fee Schedule
This Implementing Order pertains to fees charged by Miami-Dade County Fire Rescue related to fire life safety inspections, new construction inspections, fire plans review and establishment of emergency vehicle zones.
Addendum to Fence Permit Application
Additional fence requirements regarding location near rights-of-way and makeup of fence.
Additional Resources
Fence, Wall or Hedge – Affidavit to Extend Height
This document allows maximum height of the fence, wall or hedge to be adjusted up to two feet.
Affidavit to Waive the Finished Side of Fence
The finished side of the fence must face the neighboring property unless an affidavit is submitted.
Standard Open Metal Fence Guidelines
See a drawing and details outlining standard open metal fence permit guidelines. Requires a Zoning Improvement Permit (ZIP).
Additional Resources
Standard Chain Link Fence Guidelines
See a drawing and details outlining standard chain link fence permit guidelines. Residential requires a Zoning Improvement Permit (ZIP). Commercial chain link fence permit requires Building Permit Application.
Additional Resources
Defective Chinese Drywall Expedite Program
Defective Chinese Drywall Expedite Program waives permitting fees for single-family homeowners in unincorporated Miami-Dade County to assist victims of defective drywall.
Energy, Sound and Impact (Insulation) Certificate
Complete an energy, sound and impact certificate regarding a building's walls.
Additional Resources
Masonry Fence Permit Guidelines (5-Foot and 6-Foot)
See a detailed drawings outlining masonry fence permit guidelines.
Additional Resources
Wood Fence Permit Guidelines
See a detailed drawing outlining wood fence permit guidelines for both vertical wooden fences and horizontal wooden fences.
Additional Resources
Building Inspections
An inspection is required prior to covering up any part of the construction. Inspections are performed from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Your plans and permit must be at the construction site and the address properly posted and visible from the street.
Additional Resources
Overtime Inspection Request
The Overtime Inspection Request form must be completed and signed.
Special Inspector Employment Notice
Inspections performed by the Special Inspector hired by the Owner are in addition to the mandatory inspections performed by the Department.
Special Inspector Employment Notice for Lightweight Insulating Concrete Installation
The Miami-Dade County Building Official must be notified of the final inspection.
Additional Resources
Special Inspector Report - Lightweight Insulating Concrete
All the LWIC installed must be in compliance with the requirements of the Florida Building Code, the LWIC Product Approval NOA and the LWIC manufacturers’ recommendations and specifications.
Threshold (Special) Inspector Building Affidavit
The Threshold (Special) Inspector shall be responsible to the Building Official and shall perform the inspections in accordance with the approved structural inspection plan and the permitted documents.
Threshold (Special) Inspector Building Completion Statement
By the completion of this form, the architect/engineer states that to the best of the architect's/engineer's knowledge and belief, the construction of all structural load-bearing components of the above described project complies with the permitted documents.
Envelope Leakage Test Report (Blower Door Test)
Pursuant to Section R402.4.1.2 of the Florida Building Code, 6th Edition (2017) Energy Conservation, a building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified for air leakage using a blower door test. A written report must then be provided to the code official.
Building Inspection Guidelines and Checklist
All Inspectors shall read and become familiar with these procedures.
Grow House Inspections
Per Miami-Dade County Code, inspections of grow houses are required before the structure is deemed safe for use.
Upon completion of those inspections, a report must be submitted to certify there are currently no unsafe or hazardous conditions existing in the structure; that all building code violations have been corrected; and that the structure is safe for occupancy.
Five Main Reasons Why A Property Fails an Inspection
A list of five main reasons (per inspection type) why a property fails an inspection.
Residential & Commercial Plan Review Guidelines
Residential & Commercial Plan Review Guidelines (Structural Review)
Construction Lien Law for Owners
The general contractor shall furnish a final Release of Lien and Affidavit to the owner indicating all subcontractors and suppliers have been paid at the time he requests final payment.
Owner-Builder Permits
Miami-Dade County offers permits to individuals who are performing work on their property without benefit of a contractor.
Additional Resources
Owner Responsibilities
It is up to the owner to ensure that the contractor obtains their own permit. This permit makes the contractor legally responsible for their portion of the work.
Swimming Pool Light Safety Permit
Faulty underwater pool lights can potentially cause serious injuries, especially in older pools with high-voltage light bulbs. For a reduced permit fee, a safer, low-voltage option for residential pools is now available.
Additional Resources
Swimming Pool Owner Certification - Installation of Safety Barrier
Affidavit that pool to be constructed will not be pulled until final inspection obtained for approved pool safety barrier.
Additional Resources
Pool Barriers Presentation
Read a detailed presentation on pool barriers.
Additional Resources
Shop Drawing Review Checklist - Overhead Sectional Doors (Garage Doors)
See the items needed for approval of overhead sectional doors.
Shop Drawing Review Checklist - Exterior Doors, Skylights, Glass Block
See the items needed for approval of exterior doors, skylights or glass block systems.
Shop Drawing Review Checklist - Trusses
See a checklist for requirements for trusses.
Storm Protection Shutters Checklist
See the checklist of items required for storm protection shutters.
Additional Resources
Attestation from Homeowners Associations'
Attestation of Homeowners’ Association Approval for Permanent Storm Shutter on Residential Buildings.
e-Permitting Guidelines for Accordion Shutters and Storm Panels
Review the e-permitting guidelines for accordion shutters and storm panels.
Affidavit for 30-Day Temporary Electric Service (Electrical Category 26)
Electric service will be disconnected "without notice" upon 30 day termination unless application is renewed or certificate of occupancy obtained.
Affidavit for 180-Day Temporary Electric Service to Elevator (Electrical Category 15)
Electric service will be disconnected "without notice" upon 180 day termination unless application is renewed or certificate of occupancy obtained.
Utility Shed Permit Requirements
See requirements to build a utility shed.
On October 2, 2018, the Board of County Commissioners passed Ordinance 18-123 that permits only one utility shed up to a maximum of 400 square feet per residential lot.
Effective October 12, 2018, as a condition of obtaining a permit for the installation, replacement and/or repairs of a utility shed or storage structure on a residential building (single family residence, duplex or townhouse), the property owner must sign an Attestation of Utility Shed and Storage Structure form. The form requires that the owner attest that they are aware of the requirements of Section 33-1 and 33-20 for the Miami-Dade County Code and that the plans being submitted for permit meet those requirements.
Zoning Improvement Permits
Review the types of improvements that require zoning permits.
Zoning Improvement Permit Application
The Zoning Improvement Permit Application is required for different types of improvements, from signs to temporary buildings and other structural changes.
Short-Term Vacation Rentals
A Certificate of Use application is required prior to listing and advertising a property as a short-term vacation rental on any peer-to-peer platform.
Additional Resources
Home Occupation
Learn what's needed to operate a business out of your home.
Additional Resources
Vehicle or Boat Sales on Residential Property Certificate of Use
Vehicles and boats can be displayed for sale in unincorporated Miami-Dade County residential districts, but certain conditions must be met.
A Certificate of Use must be obtained. Only one vehicle or boat can be sold at one time, and no more than two can be sold at any property per year.
Portable Mini-Storage Certificate of Use
A portable mini-storage unit is a container designed for the storage of personal property that is placed on a homeowner's lot, parcel or tract and is designed to be delivered or removed from the homeowner’s site by truck or other street-legal vehicle.
A Certificate of Use is required to place a portable mini-storage unit on a residential property.
Additional Resources
Flat Wall Sign Mounting Guidelines
Read the guidelines for Flat Wall Sign Mounting.
Additional Resources
Zoning Plan Review
Read about the Zoning Plan Review process and frequently used documents.
Zoning Forms
A list of key Zoning forms
Additional Resources
Residential Plan Review Submittal Checklist
This form gives a general list of items required for approval of a Building Permit by Zoning Plans Processing.
Additional Resources
Commercial Plan Review Submittal Checklist
This form gives a general list of items required for approval of a Building Permit by Zoning Plans Processing.
Statements of Landscape Compliance for Public Hearing
Affidavit where property owner confirms that submitted landscaping plans comply with Miami-Dade County code requirements.
Additional Resources
Landscape Legend and Calculation
Landscape legend that includes required calculations of open space, lawn area, trees and shrubs in a development plan.
Additional Resources
Utilization of Severable Use Rights
Documentation required for the utilization of severable use rights.
Additional Resources
Site Plan Data
Form that requires project data such as total land, building coverage, landscape area and more.
Additional Resources
Absolving Miami-Dade County of Responsibility for Structures in Utility Easement
Document that absolves Miami-Dade County of responsibility for placement of a fence, wall, pool or permanent structure in a utility easement.
Additional Resources
Zoning Legend - Business Districts
Legend data required for BU (Business) Zoning District plans.
Additional Resources
Zoning Legend - Apartments
Legend data required for various RU Zoning District plans, which includes multi-family dwellings.
Additional Resources
Zoning Legend - Single-Family and Duplexes
Legend data required for residential single-family and duplex development plans.
Additional Resources
Zoning Review "Approved as Noted" Criteria
List of "approved as noted" criteria for commercial, industrial and residential zoning approvals.
Additional Resources
Minimum Requirements for Plat Review
Read minimum requirements for plat review to meet Miami-Dade Fire Rescue standards.
Permit Procedures for Short-Term Events
Read the requirements for short-term events. Any event that lasts 45 days or less where temporary structures and facilities are required is a short-term event.
Additional Resources
- Brochure on Permitting Procedures for Short-Term Events
- Short Term Event Certification
- Permitting Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Brochure on Permitting Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Indoor Events and Exhibits
- Certificate of Use
Permit Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
Read general information about getting the proper permits to erect temporary structures such as tents and membrane structures.
Additional Resources
- Brochure on Permitting Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Indoor Events and Exhibits
- Permitting Procedures for Short-Term Events
- Certificate of Use
Water Supply Certification
All new construction, addition, renovation or changes in use resulting in an increase in water consumption need a Water Supply Certification letter.
Additional Resources
Port of Miami Business Permits
Read about how to obtain a PortMiami business permit.
Additional Resources
Permits at Miami International Airport
Get information about doing business at Miami International Airport or other County airports.
Additional Resources
Permit Procedures for Assemblies, Circuses and Sporting Events
Read the Zoning and Fire Rescue requirements for assemblies, circuses and sporting events.
Additional Resources
- Permitting Procedures for Short-Term Events
- Permitting Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Brochure on Permitting Procedures for Short-Term Events
- Brochure on Permitting Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Indoor Events and Exhibits
- Certificate of Use
Short Term Event Certification
Professional certification form for events lasting 45 days or less.
Additional Resources
- Permit Procedures for Short-Term Events
- Brochure on Permitting Procedures for Short-Term Events
- Permitting Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Brochure on Permitting Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Indoor Events and Exhibits
- Certificate of Use
Food Trucks
Requirements for mobile food sales, as well as to host a food truck roundup in unincorporated Miami-Dade County.
Permit Procedures for Christmas Tree Sales
Read the Zoning and Fire Rescue requirements for Christmas tree sales.
Additional Resources
- Permitting Procedures for Short-Term Events
- Permitting Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Brochure on Permitting Procedures for Short-Term Events
- Brochure on Permitting Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Indoor Events and Exhibits
- Certificate of Use
Permit Procedures for Tent Revivals and Carnivals
Read the Zoning and Fire Rescue requirements for tent revivals and carnivals.
Additional Resources
- Permitting Procedures for Short-Term Events
- Permitting Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Brochure on Permitting Procedures for Short-Term Events
- Brochure on Permitting Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Indoor Events and Exhibits
- Certificate of Use
Permit Procedures for Tent Sales of Sparklers
Read the Zoning and Fire Rescue requirements to sell sparklers out of tents.
Additional Resources
- Permitting Procedures for Short-Term Events
- Permitting Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Brochure on Permitting Procedures for Short-Term Events
- Brochure on Permitting Procedures for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
- Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Indoor Events and Exhibits
- Certificate of Use
Certificate of Use for Sale of Foreclosed Properties
Title holders of foreclosed properties must obtain a Certificate of Use (CU) prior to offering the property for sale, transfer or alienation.
Equipment Leasing Permit
Read about how to obtain Equipment Leasing Business Permits at PortMiami.
Additional Resources
Stevedoring Permits and Licenses
Read about how to obtain Stevedore Permits and Licenses at PortMiami.
Additional Resources
Ground Transportation Permits
Read about how to obtain a permit to provide pre-arranged ground transportation services at PortMiami.
Additional Resources
Tow Truck and Vehicle Delivery Permit
Read more about how to obtain Tow Trucks and Vehicle Delivery Business Permits at PortMiami.
Additional Resources
Car Rental Non-Concessionaire Permit
Read about how to obtain Car Rental Non-Concessionaire Business Permits at PortMiami.
Additional Resources
Equipment Maintenance and Repairs Permit
Rules, requirements and fees on how to obtain Equipment Maintenance and Repairs Business Permits at PortMiami.
Additional Resources
Distribution of Merchandise Permit
Read about how to obtain Distribution of Merchandise Business Permits at PortMiami.
Additional Resources
Cartage/Trucking Permit
Read about how to obtain a Cartage/Trucking Permit at PortMiami.
Additional Resources
Ship Chandler/Supplier Permit
Read about how to obtain a Ship Chandler/Supplier Permit at PortMiami.
Additional Resources
Mobile Sales and Food Service Operations Requirements and Guidelines
Information on mobile food sales and service requirements, including:
- Mobile Food Service Operations -- from portable stands, a vehicle or trailer, such as food trucks or hot dog carts
- Mobile Sales Operations -- such as flower and produce stands.
Additional Resources
Ship Agent Permits
Rules, requirements and fees on how to obtain a ship agent permit.
Additional Resources
Fire Sale / Going Out of Business Sale Permits
Businesses must obtain a Fire Sale / Going Out of Business permit whenever a sale is conducted that indicates the business will cease operations.
Emergency Vehicle Zones (Fire Lanes)
The department provides a means for appropriate venues to provide uniform, clear marking of parking zones that enable emergency vehicles immediate and clear access to the structures.
Additional Resources
Fire-Rescue Special Request Plans Review
Every effort will be made to have Fast Track review within 3-5 business days and Drop Off review within 9 business days.
Fire Alarm Pre-Submittal Checklist
Review the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Life Safety Pre-Submittal Checklist
Life Safety Operating Permit
To ensure and maintain compliance with Life Safety Codes, Fire Prevention Codes and State Standards for the safety and welfare of all employees, residents, visitors and emergency responders in Miami-Dade County, all businesses are required to have an annual inspection and receive a Life Safety Operating Permit.
Additional Resources
Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Tents and Membrane Structures
Fire guidelines required for temporary tents and membrane structures.
Fire Rescue Plan Submittal Requirements for Temporary Indoor Events and Exhibits
Fire guidelines required for temporary indoor events and exhibits.
Fire Sprinkler Pre-Submittal Checklist
All submitted shop drawing for review, shall be accompany by the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue approved life safety shop drawing, set of architectural, structural and the shop drawing shall be review and stamp approved by the engineer of record per Florida Statutes.
Hydrant Water Meter Request Form
The Hydrant Water Meter Request Form is to be completed and must specify fixed meter or floating meter.
Hydrant Flow Test Request
The Hydrant Flow Test Request must be competed with a site plan on an 8 1/2 x 11 in sized paper or draw sketch in the space provided.
Open Burn Permit
A burn permit is required for all open fires in Miami-Dade County, except cooking fires. Land owners and contractors can apply for a burn permit for land clearing and other farming or agricultural operations.
Additional Resources
Air Construction Permit
The Miami-Dade County Air Construction Permit is required prior to the construction or modification of any facility or emissions unit, which may emit a number of air pollutants.
Additional Resources
Air Operating Permit
The Miami-Dade County Air Operating Permit is required for any air pollution source subsequent to construction or modification of the facility, and after demonstrating compliance with the terms and condition of the county air construction permit.
Depending on the type of facility and the amount of air emissions, your facility might need a state air permit.
Additional Resources
Asbestos - Demolition / Renovation / Roofing Project
Demolition and renovation projects for commercial facilities require review for asbestos and approval from Miami-Dade County.
A completed Notice of Demolition or Asbestos Abatement form must be submitted to Miami-Dade County at least 10 working days prior to start of a demolition or asbestos renovation project.
Miami-Dade County requires a copy of the asbestos survey report to accompany the completed Notice of Demolition for demolition projects.
Additional Resources
Class I Permit
A Class I Permit is required prior to performing any work in, on, over or upon tidal waters or coastal wetlands of Miami-Dade County, or of any of the municipalities located within Miami-Dade County. A Class I Permit is also required for most mangrove trimming, alteration or removal.
Class II Permit
The Class II Permit is needed to control stormwater discharge to any surface water in Miami-Dade County.
Class III Permit
The Class III permit is needed for construction within non-tidal canals or areas under the direct control of Miami-Dade County, such as canal rights-of-way, canal maintenance easements and reservations.
Class IV Permit
Any project involving work in freshwater wetlands that does not meet one of the criteria for the Short Form permit will be processed as a standard form Class IV Permit application and will be subject to a full public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners.
Class V Permit
The Class V Permit is needed for temporary dewatering or whenever water is removed from an excavation, from the ground or existing structure to ensure that sediment, turbidity and contaminants are removed before it is later discharged.
Class VI Permit
The Class VI Permit is needed for the installation of a drainage system for any project that has known soil or groundwater contamination; or that uses, generates, handles, disposes of, discharges, or stores hazardous materials.
Environmental Airports Project Submittal Checklist
A general list of items required for a building permit for an airports project.
Additional Resources
Environmental Commercial Submittal Checklist
This checklist is for the processing of any commercial, industrial or multi-unit (four or more) residential projects.
Additional Resources
- Environmental Plan Review
- Application for Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal System Construction Permit (08/09), Fill-in pdf form
- Application for Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal System Construction Permit - Site Plan (08/09)
- Site Plan Instructions
- Site Evaluation and System Specifications (08/09), Fill-in pdf form
- Existing System and System Repair Evaluation (08/09), Fill-in pdf form
Environmental Fees
Read about environmental fees, including the Environmental Fee Schedule rates effective Oct. 1, 2024.
Additional Resources
Environmental One-Time Permits
One-Time Permits may be required prior to construction or modification of a building structure or property (i.e. construction of a dock or pier or the removal of a tree).
Additional Resources
Environmental Plan Review
The Environmental Plan Review section reviews building permits, Certificates of Use and Occupancy, and the Local Business Tax applications to ensure that Federal, State and County (Chapter 24 and Chapter 11c of the Miami-Dade County code) environmental protection laws are complied with.
Additional Resources
Environmental Records
Locate, view and copy environmental records online, in Miami-Dade County offices and make appointments with Records Management staff.
Additional Resources
Environmental Residential Submittal Checklist
This checklist is for the processing of residential projects.
Additional Resources
- Environmental Plan Review
- Application for Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal System Construction Permit (08/09), Fill-in pdf form
- Application for Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal System Construction Permit - Site Plan (08/09)
- Site Plan Instructions
- Site Evaluation and System Specifications (08/09), Fill-in pdf form
- Existing System and System Repair Evaluation (08/09), Fill-in pdf form
Environmental Review - "Approved as Noted" Criteria
The criteria includes the core review, tree section review, industrial review, paving and drainage review, and air/asbestos/stage II review.
Municipal Permit Applicant Requiring Fire Rescue / Environmental Plan Review
This application is required to be reviewed.
Additional Resources
Natural Forest Community Permit
In Miami-Dade County, any activity that results in the removal or damage to any vegetation in a designated Natural Forest Community, including impacts to any tree, shrub, or groundcover plant, requires a permit.
Additional Resources
Sewer Extension Permit
The Sewer Extension Permit is required for the construction of new Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission Systems (sanitary sewer pipes and pump stations) or modification of existing ones in Miami-Dade County.
Additional Resources
- Notification of Completion of Construction for a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System
- Intermediate Downstream Collect. & Trans. System (IDC&TS) Cert. of Adequate Reserve Capacity (Utility Form)
- Notification/Application for Constructing a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmissions System
- Miami-Dade Certification to Place Domestic Wastewater Collection or Transmission Systems into Operation
- Environmental Records Search
- Utility Sewer Extension Review Check List
- Non-Utility Sewer Check Review Check List
- Sewer Extension – Process Flow Chart
- RER-DERM Water-Sewer General Notes
- Updated DERM-FDEP Sewer Matrix
- Top 10 reasons for Sewer Extension Permit Disapproval
- Top 10 reasons for Sewer Extension Certification Disapproval
- Remote Telemetry Units (RTU) Construction Guidelines for Pump Stations
Tree Permits
Use the Environmental Records search to review tree permits.
Additional Resources
Tree Removal or Relocation Permit
A tree removal/relocation permit is required for the approved removal or relocation of any tree within Miami-Dade County not specifically exempt under the Environmental Code of Miami-Dade County.
Additional Resources
Elevator Demolition Permit
A permit form required for the demolition of an elevator.
Additional Resources
Security Bar Installation
Read a brochure about installing security bars.
Additional Resources
Design Guidelines for Security Bars, Grilles and Grates at Windows
See drawing guidelines for security bars, grilles and grates at windows.
Checklist for New Windows, Mullions and Glass Doors
See the checklist of required items for new windows, mullions and glass doors.
Additional Resources
Checklist for Replacement Windows, Mullions and Glass Doors
See the checklist of required items for replacement windows, mullions and glass doors.
Additional Resources
Standard Detail for New Window or Door Opening
See detailed guidelines for new windows or door opening in existing masonry wall.
Additional Resources
Standard Detail for Opening Block-Up
See detailed guidelines for window or door opening block-up in masonry wall.
40-50-year Building Structural Recertification - Minimum Inspection Procedural Guidelines
A list of Minimum Inspection Procedural Guidelines for Building Structural Recertification.
Notice of Required Recertification of 40-year-old Building
Buildings older than 40 years require a building inspection and review of the general condition of its electrical systems.
40 Year Recertification Portal
This portal allows you to search recertification cases from May 1996 to the present within the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources’ jurisdiction. Searches can be performed by folio, address, property owner name, property house number, street and case number. To see all cases in the system, click on “View all cases.”
For cases that are referred to the Unsafe Structures Section, the system provides a link to the unsafe structures recertification enforcement case.
For any case, to request documents, submit a public records request.
40-50-Year Building Electrical Recertification - Minimum Inspection Procedural Guidelines
This form lists the Minimum Inspection Procedural Guidelines for Building Electrical Recertification.
Commercial Electrical Plan Review Guidelines
The Commercial Electrical Plan Review Guidelines form provides a list of code requirements that must be verified by the Building Official before the issuance of a building permit.
Additional Resources
Residential Electrical Plan Review Guidelines
The Residential Electrical Plan Review Guidelines form provides a list of code requirements that must be verified by the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources before the issuance of a building permit.
Additional Resources
Selective Coordination Requirements Inspection Form for Plan Review
This form provides documentation to assure compliance with the following National Electrical Code related to the following devices:
- Elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, moving walkways, wheelchair lifts and stairway chairlifts
- Fire pumps
- Emergency systems
- Legally-required standby systems
- Critical Operations Power Systems
Electrical Inspection Checklist
The Inspection Guidelines form lists the general requirements.
Electrical Inspection Checklist - Work-With Procedure
A work-with inspection authorizes the power company to disconnect and reconnect an electrical service for repair or alteration by a qualified permit holder.
Wireless alarm systems
Effective July 1, 2015, a permit is not required to install, maintain, inspect, replace or service a wireless alarm system, including any ancillary components or equipment.
A wireless alarm system is defined as a burglar alarm or smoke detector (with a 10-year battery) that is not hardwired.
A label is still required for a commercial hardwired burglar alarm system. The fee for the installation or replacement of the burglar alarm system will be reduced to $40 per system.
Single-family residential burglar alarm and other low voltage permits no longer required
Burglar security systems, as well as other low voltage electrical permits, are exempt from permit requirements for single-family residential installations and repairs.
Permits are still required for commercial and multi-family buildings.
Burglar alarm labels will be issued for the aforementioned commercial work including multi-family buildings.
Grow House Electrical Inspection Report
The required Electrical Inspection Report to determine whether a grow house structure meets Miami-Dade County Code.
Additional Resources
Apply for a Film Permit
Read important information about applying for a film permit, including how to:
- Apply for a permit
- Display an existing permit's status
- Get information about City of Miami and City of Miami Beach permits.
Miami-Dade County Film Permits - Municipalities
Miami-Dade County issues film permits on behalf of 16 municipalities, including Hialeah, South Miami, Miami Gardens, Sunny Isles Beach, Miami Lakes and more.
Crandon Park Production Fees
See the varying per-day, per-vehicle and per-hour fees to film at Crandon Park.
Additional Resources
Miami Beach Filming Regulations
Read the regulations to film in the City of Miami Beach.
Additional Resources
Aventura Filming Regulations
Read the filming regulations, including required fees and documents, to film in the City of Aventura.
Coral Gables Filming Regulations
Read the regulations and fees to film in the city of Coral Gables.
Key Biscayne Filming Regulations
Read the regulations and fees to film in the village of Key Biscayne.
Miami Shores Filming Regulations
Read the regulations and fees to film in the village of Miami Shores.
Pinecrest Film Permit Application and Guidelines
Read the regulations and fees to film in the village of Pinecrest, and complete the film permit application.
Sunny Isles Beach Film Permit Approval
Complete the form for Sunny Isles Beach city approval, required for city limit filming as part of the issuance of a Miami-Dade County film permit.
Additional Resources
Film and Videotape Production Permit Policies and Procedures
Policies and procedures under the Film & Entertainment Office.
Fees to Film and Photograph at a Park
See the fees to film at Black Point, Greynolds, Haulover, Homestead, Bayfront and Matheson Hammock parks.
Miami International Airport Filming Regulations
Requirements to film or shoot at Miami International Airport.
Miami-Dade Transit Filming Regulations
Learn about authorizations needed to film or shoot on buses, Metromover and Metrorail trains.
Additional Resources
Port of Miami Film Permit Requirements
Requirements to film or shoot at the Port of Miami.
Film Permit Insurance Information
A film permit in Miami Beach or Miami-Dade County requires an insurance certificate for General Liability Insurance. Read more about insurance requirements.
Additional Resources
Temporary Road Closure Permits
Read information about permits required for County or State road closures.
Florida Dept. of Transportation Special Events Permit - Temporary Closing or Special Use of State Road
Read information and complete the required form for a special events permit for a State of Florida road.
Deering Estate Film and Photography Permit Rules and Regulations
Read the fees and guidelines for productions at the Deering Estate at Cutler.
Additional Resources
Vizcaya Film and Photography Permits
Read the commercial photography and filming regulations at Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, as well as fees and contact information.
Zoo Miami Film and Photography Permit Fees
See the fees for film and photography shoots at Zoo Miami (Miami Metrozoo).
Additional Resources
Permitting Guidelines for Film Students
Read about the permitting guidelines for students. Fees can be waived with a letter from the student's teacher or professor.
Additional Resources
State Permit for Entertainment Industry to Hire Minors
Complete the State of Florida form for the entertainment industry to hire minors.
Film Production Rates to Hire Police and Fire Department Staff Off Duty and Equipment
See the fees to hire Miami-Dade Police and Fire Rescue services for productions.
Additional Resources
Filming During Marine Turtle Nesting Season
Filming on the beach from May 1 through Oct. 31 may endanger sea turtles, so special precautions must be taken.
Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park Photo and Film Shoot Permit Requirements
Read the Photo and Film Shoot permitting requirements at Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park in Key Biscayne — as well as fees, rules and required form.
Medical Examiner - Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement for Use of Facilities
Affidavit and form of Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement for Use of Medical Examiner Facilities.
Commercial Mechanical Plan Review Guidelines
This form provides a list of code requirements that must be verified by the Building Official before the issuance of a building permit.
Additional Resources
Residential Mechanical Plan Review Guidelines
This form provides a list of code requirements that must be verified by the Building Official before the issuance of a building permit, and applies to single family homes, duplexes and townhouses, as defined in 101.2 (Re).
Additional Resources
Mechanical Inspection Guidelines and Checklist
All Inspectors shall read and become familiar with the procedures on the Mechanical Inspection Guidelines and Checklist.
Baby Stroller Permits
Get information and the cost to purchase a Baby Stroller Permit. A child birth certificate or footprints is required for purchase.
Disabled Person Parking Permits
Read about requirements to apply for a Disabled Person Parking Permit.
Additional Resources
Residential Plumbing Plan Review Guidelines
This form provides a list of code requirements that must be verified by the building Official before the issuance of a building permit.
Additional Resources
- Building Permit Application
- Application for Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal System Construction Permit (08/09), Fill-in pdf form
- Application for Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal System Construction Permit - Site Plan (08/09)
- Site Plan Instructions
- Site Evaluation and System Specifications (08/09), Fill-in pdf form
- Existing System and System Repair Evaluation (08/09), Fill-in pdf form
Commercial Plumbing Plan Review Guidelines
This form provides a list of code requirements that must be verified by the building Official before the issuance of a building permit.
Additional Resources
- Building Permit Application
- Application for Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal System Construction Permit (08/09), Fill-in pdf form
- Application for Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal System Construction Permit - Site Plan (08/09)
- Site Plan Instructions
- Site Evaluation and System Specifications (08/09), Fill-in pdf form
- Existing System and System Repair Evaluation (08/09), Fill-in pdf form
Plumbing Inspection Guidelines and Checklist
All Inspectors shall read and become familiar with these procedures.
Sanitary Line Replacement
Applicants proposing a replacement of a sanitary line can obtain a Plumbing Permit under Category 0025. This process, placed into effect in April 2015, will save money and be more efficient.
Grow House Plumbing Inspection Report
The required Plumbing Inspection Report to determine whether a grow house structure meets Miami-Dade County Code.
Additional Resources
Public Works Permit Application
See the Public Works Permit Application for:
- Driveways
- Sidewalks
- Curbs and Gutters
- Parking Lot and Street Paving
- Seal Coating
- Drainage
- Electric
- Gas
- Telecommunication
- Water
- Sewer
- Traffic Signs
Additional Resources
Block Party Permit
Apply for a block party permit, which includes the temporary closing of residential streets for non-commercial purposes. Commercial events like races, however, are permitted.
Change of Contractor Instruction Sheet - Public Works
See the documents required if there is a change of contractor involved in a Public Works permit application.
Public Works Review Checklist for Residential Building Permit Approval
A general list of items for approval of a Building Permit by the Public Works Department.
Public Works Review Checklist for Commercial Building Permit Approval
A general list of items for approval of a Building Permit by the Public Works Department.
Public Works Review - "Approved as Noted" Criteria
Public Works "Approved as Noted" criteria.
Flood Elevation Certificates
An Elevation Certificate is an important document that every homeowner should have, and in case of a disaster, would demonstrate to County authorities that your house is at or above the required elevation.
Additional Resources
Flood Elevation Certificate in Unincorporated Miami-Dade County
The Elevation Certificate is used to determine if the existing structure, recently completed structure, or substantially damaged or improved structure is in compliance with Federal and local elevation requirements.
Additional Resources
Flood Elevation Certificate in a Municipality
The Elevation Certificate is used by municipal officials to determine if the existing structure, recently completed structure, or substantially damaged or improved structure is in compliance with Federal and local elevation requirements.
Additional Resources
FEMA Elevation Certificate
The Elevation Certificate is to be used to provide elevation information necessary to ensure compliance with community floodplain management ordinances, to determine the proper insurance premium rate, and to support a request for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) or Letter of Map Revision based on fill (LOMR-F).
FEMA Floodproofing Certificate for Non-Residential Structures
The floodproofing of non-residential buildings may be permitted as an alternative to elevating to or above the Base Flood Elevation; however, a floodproofing design certification is required.
Memorial Markers
Read about requesting and applying for a roadway memorial marker.
Additional Resources
Utility Companies Permitting on Public Rights-of-Way
Read about utility company permit requirements for right-of-way construction.
Additional Resources
Construction Within Right-of-Way Permit Covenant for a Corporation
Form required for corporations constructing on a right-of-way.
Additional Resources
Maintenance of Landscaping Within Right-of-Way Permit Covenant for a Corporation
Form required for a corporation's landscape maintenance during construction on a right-of-way.
Construction Within Right-of-Way Permit Covenant for an Individual
Form required for individuals constructing on a right-of-way.
Maintenance of Landscaping Within Right-of-Way Permit Covenant for an Individual
Form required for an individual's landscape maintenance during construction on a right-of-way.
Driveway Permit Owner-Builder Instructions
Provisions and requirements for owner-builders who are applying for a driveway construction permit.
Additional Resources
Uniform Roofing Permit Application
Uniform Roofing Permit Application -The High Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Permit Application form, based on the 7th Edition (2020) of the Florida Building Code, is required for all roofing permits.
Certification of Flue Vents present during Re-roofing
This report is to be used to certify combustion appliance flue vents present during re-roofing.
Ridge Ventilation Calculations Form
For proper ventilation, the amount of under eave or soffit ventilation must equal or be greater than the amount of ventilation at the ridge. This form is for calculations for a balanced ventilation system and required for plan review.
New enhancement to e-Permitting System Application for Single Ply Membrane
With this enhancement, Roofing contractors can obtain permits remotely for the installation of selected TPO and PVC membrane roof assemblies. These single ply roofs can be combined with metal roof panels, shingles, or tile roof e-Permits as needed to meet job site requirements. Review the ePermitting Enhancement for Single Ply Membrane.
Guidelines for the Roofing E-Permitting System
These guidelines provide procedures for accessing the E-Permits for Contractors website to allow the creation of a user profile and obtaining Residential Roofing permits online. The E-Permitting system allows qualified contractors to obtain permits for addresses located in the unincorporated portions of Miami-Dade County.
Additional Resources
Guidelines for Metal Roof Panels E-Permitting System
These guidelines provide procedures for accessing the E-Permits for Contractors website to allow the creation of a user profile and obtaining online residential or subsidiary roof permits tied to a master building permit by qualified roofing contractors. The E-Permitting system allows qualified contractors to obtain permits for addresses located in the unincorporated portions of Miami-Dade County.
Additional Resources
Roofing Inspection Report for permits issued before 3/1/2002
The Roofing Inspection Report certifies that the roof was inspected and confirms its condition. If deficiencies are noted, a list of the deficiencies, extent of damage, and required corrective measure are to be noted.
Hurricane Mitigation
Information about hurricane mitigation: retrofit requirements and/or secondary waterproofing when an existing roof is replaced, roof sheathing, roof systems required to have secondary water barrier protection, and roof to wall connections.
Hurricane Mitigation Roof Retrofit Forms for Single-Family Homes
The Hurricane Mitigation Retrofit Forms for single-family homes, pursuant to Florida state statutes, require information about work (or exemption of) done on existing homes.
Owner's Notification for Roofing Considerations
The Required Owner's Notification for Roofing Considerations form explains common job site conditions that can be encountered during the re-roofing process, which is the responsibility of the roofing contractor to inform the property owner.
Compliance with Roof Decking Attachment and Secondary Water Barrier Hurricane Mitigation Retrofit for Existing Single-Family Structures
The Compliance with Roof Decking Attachment and Secondary Water Barrier Hurricane Mitigation Retrofit for Existing Single-Family Structures affidavit, pursuant to Section 553.844 F.S., certifies to the building official that the roof decking attachment and fasteners have been strengthened and corrected and a second water barrier has been provided, as required.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Section A & B
Section A & B of the HVHZ Electronic Roof Permit form requires general information, roof category, roof type, roof system information and a roof plan.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Section C Built-Up Roof Systems (BUR)
Section C of the HVHZ Roof Permit Form allows specific roof assembly components to be provided.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Section C - Single Ply Membrane Roof Systems
Section C of the HVHZ Roof Permit Form allows specific roof assembly components to be provided.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Section C2
Section C2 of the HVHZ Electronic Roof Permit Form is required. Provide noted components and details, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Section D Shingle Roof System
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form Section D Shingle Roof System requires the specific roof assembly components for a shingle roof system.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Section D Wood Shingle / Shake Roof System
Section D of the HVHZ Roof Permit Form requires the specific roof assembly components for a wood shingle / shake roof system.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Section D Metal Roof System
Section D of the HVHZ Roof Permit Form requires specific roof assembly components for a metal roof system.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Section D Tile Roof System
Section D of the HVHZ Roof Permit Form requires specific roof assembly components for a tile roof system.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Section E Tile Calculations
Section E of the HVHZ Roof Permit Form is used for tile calculations.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) - System Form
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) is required to spray polyurethane foam.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) - Edge Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Edge Detail is required. Provide components and details, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) - Wall Flashing Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Wall Flashing Detail is required. Provide components and details, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) - Coping Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Coping Detail is required. Provide components and details, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) - Pipe Flashing Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Pipe Flashing Detail is required. Provide components and details, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) - Support Flashing Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Support Flashing Detail is required. Provide components and details, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) - Wall Scupper Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Wall Scupper Detail is required. Provide parapet wall height and wall scupper size.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) - Overflow Scupper Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Overflow Scupper Detail is required. Provide parapet wall height, over flow scupper size, and height above low point of roof.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) - Drain Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Drain Detail is required. Provide noted components and details, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Waterproofing or Liquid Applied Roof Systems
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Waterproofing or Liquid Applied Roof Systems assembly shall comply with all the requirements as listed in section 1519.16 Waterproofing
located in the HVHZ section of the Florida Building Code.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Waterproofing or Liquid Applied Roof Systems - Section A & B
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Waterproofing or Liquid Applied Roof Systems is required. Provide general information and section plan.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Single Ply Membrane Coping Metal Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Single Ply Membrane Coping Metal Detail requires component information.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Single Ply Membrane Insulated Deck Gutter Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Single Ply Membrane - Insulated Deck Detail, requires the noted components and their details to be provided as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Single Ply Membrane Edge Metal Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Single Ply Membrane Edge Metal Detail requires component information.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Single Ply Membrane Parapet Wall Flashing Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Single Ply Membrane Parapet Wall Flashing Detail requires component detail.
Commercial Reroofing Statement for Existing Buildings
The Commercial Reroofing Statement for Existing Buildings is required to be completed when applying for commercial reroofing permit applications.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Edge Nailable Deck Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Edge Nailable Deck Detail requires the noted components and their details to be illustrated, as applicable.
Additional Resources
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Wood Nailer Edge Insulated Nailable Deck Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Wood Nailer Edge Insulated Nailable Deck Detail requires the noted components and their details to be illustrated, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Wood Nailer Edge Insulated Concrete Deck Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Wood Nailer Edge Insulated Concrete Deck Detail requires the noted components and their details to be illustrated, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Wood Nailer Edge Non Insulated Nailable Deck
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for a Wood Nailer Edge Non Insulated Nailable Deck requires the noted components and their details to be illustrated, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Parapet Wall Non Insulated Concrete Deck Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Parapet Wall Non Insulated Concrete Deck Detail requires the noted components and their details to be illustrated, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Parapet Wall Insulated Concrete Deck Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Parapet Wall Insulated Concrete Deck Detail requires the noted components and their details to be illustrated, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Parapet Wall Insulated Nailable Deck Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Parapet Wall Insulated Nailable Deck Detail requires the noted components and their details to be illustrated, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Parapet Wall Nailable Deck Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Parapet Wall Nailable Deck Detail requires the noted components and their details to be illustrated, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Coping Insulated Concrete Deck Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form -for Coping Insulated Concrete Deck Detail requires the noted components and their details to be illustrated, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Coping Insulated Nailable Deck Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Coping Insulated Nailable Deck Detail requires completion of the components noted and details, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Gutter Insulated Nailable Deck Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Gutter Insulated Nailable Deck Detail requires completion of the components noted and details, as applicable.
HVHZ Roof Permit Form - Gutter Insulated Concrete Deck Detail
The HVHZ Roof Permit Form for Gutter Insulated Concrete Deck Detail requires completion of the components noted and details, as applicable.
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
Under current permitting processes, small solar photovoltaic (PV) projects are permitted via the Concurrent Plans and Processing (CPP) system, and eligible for Green Building Expedited Review.
Solar System Guidelines for Permitting
Permitting guidelines for roof top Solar Installation in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ).
Affidavit of Reinstallation of an Existing Solar System
This form is required for reinstallation of an existing solar system.
Solar Ridge Venting Calculations
This form enables the applicant to provide the necessary job site information, in order to comply with the requirements for balanced ridge venting.
Solar System Permit Owner Disclosure
The property owner's signature in the Property Owner's Solar System Disclosure Form indicates that the information in this form has been explained to the property owner by the contractor.
Solar Systems – Rooftop PV Building/Structural Requirements Checklist
The Solar Systems Permit Rooftop PV Building/Structural Requirements Checklist provides an overview of the building, roofing and PV equipment information required for permitting submittals.
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Permitting and Plan Submittal Requirements
Non-credit workshop on Solar Photovoltaic held in 2017. This workshop discussed the Electrical and Structural requirements on plans to obtain permits for solar PV systems, thus expediting permit issuance and reducing time-consuming reworks.
General Hauler Permit
The General Hauler Permit allows any person to remove, collect or transport for hire or salvage any solid waste or recyclable material over the streets or public rights-of-way within any unincorporated area of Miami-Dade County.
Additional Resources
Waste Tire Haulers or Generators Permit
The Waste Tire Haulers or Generators Permit is required for any person that is either principally or partially engaged in the selling, trading or otherwise transferring of new, used or waste tires within Miami-Dade County.
Additional Resources
Landscaper Permit
A Landscaper Permit is required for any person engaged in the business of creating or maintaining landscaped areas, including tree trimming and tree removal is required to obtain a landscaper permit.
Additional Resources
- Requires a Local Business Tax Receipt (formerly known as an Occupational License)
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